此ANZSCO职业类别13 专业经理 Specialist Managers属于新西兰技能型工作。满足纽西兰技术移民要求。ANZSCO职业代码是13。 农牧结合户(P) Mixed Crop and Livestock Farmer (P), 农夫和牧民(A) Farmer and Grazier (A), 牛和麦农 Cattle and Wheat Farmer (S), 生活街区农民(新西兰) Lifestyle Block Farmer (NZ) (S), 羊和麦农 Sheep and Wheat Farmer (S),

专业经理职业分类的工作描述(Job Description)如下: 专业经理在组织内规划、组织、指导、控制和协调特殊职能,如广告和销售、财务、人力资源、生产和分销、教育、健康和福利以及信息和通信技术。 SPECIALIST MANAGERS plan, organise, direct, control and coordinate special functions within organisations such as advertising and sales, financial, human resources, production and distribution, education, health and welfare, and ICT.


Indicative Skill Level:
在澳大利亚和新西兰: In Australia and New Zealand:

    Most occupations in this sub-major group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
任务包括: Tasks Include:
  • 制定、实施和监控其控制区域的战略、政策和计划
  • developing, implementing and monitoring strategies, policies and plans for their area of control
  • 建立和指导运营和管理程序
  • establishing and directing operational and administrative procedures
  • 指导和协调资源分配
  • directing and coordinating the allocation of resources
  • 监控工作进度和绩效,调整流程和资源以保持目标的正常运行
  • monitoring work progress and performance, and adjusting processes and resources to keep goals on track
  • 控制预算规划和报告编制,并监控和控制其控制区域的支出
  • controlling budget planning and report preparation, and monitoring and controlling expenditure for their area of control
  • 控制员工的选择、培训和绩效
  • controlling selection, training and performance of staff
  • 在谈判、会议、研讨会、公众听证会和论坛中代表组织
  • representing the organisation in negotiations, and at conventions, seminars, public hearings and forums

    专业经理 Specialist Managers(ANZSCO职业代码是13)属于 专业经理 Specialist Managers 职业分类。

    专业经理 Specialist Managers(ANZSCO职业代码是13)分类包括下面的职业: