此ANZSCO职业类别2241 精算师、数学家和统计学家 Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians属于新西兰技能型工作。满足纽西兰技术移民要求。ANZSCO职业代码是2241。 培训和发展专业人员(P) Training and Development Professional (P), 培训主任(A) Training Officer (A), 教育官员(空军和陆军) Education Officer (Air Force and Army) (S), 训练系统军官(海军) Training Systems Officer (Navy) (S),

精算师、数学家和统计学家职业分类的工作描述(Job Description)如下: 精算师、数学家和统计学家发展和应用精算、数学、统计和定量的原理和技术来解决商业和金融、科学和社会研究以及工程等一系列领域的问题。 ACTUARIES, MATHEMATICIANS AND STATISTICIANS develop and apply actuarial, mathematical, statistical and quantitative principles and techniques to solve problems in a range of fields such as business and finance, scientific and social research, and engineering.


Econometricians are excluded from this unit group. Econometricians are included in Unit Group 2243 Economists.


Indicative Skill Level:
在澳大利亚和新西兰: In Australia and New Zealand:

    Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
可能需要注册或许可。 Registration or licensing may be required.


Tasks Include:

  • 定义、分析和解决与保险费、年金、退休金、养老金和股息等领域相关的复杂财务和业务问题
  • defining, analysing and solving complex financial and business problems relating to areas such as insurance premiums, annuities, superannuation funds, pensions and dividends
  • 检查一般保险公司、金融公司、政府和其他组织的财务预测
  • examining financial projections for general insurance companies, finance companies, government and other organisations
  • 设计新型保单,评估风险,分析在人寿保险、退休金基金、医疗保险、友好社会、金融市场和其他领域的投资
  • designing new types of policies, assessing risks and analysing investments in life insurance, superannuation funds, health insurance, friendly societies, financial markets and other areas
  • 建立数学模型以模拟过程
  • formulating mathematical models to simulate processes
  • 将模型应用于实验观测,并调整和重铸模型
  • applying models to experimental observations, and adjusting and recasting the models
  • 使用数值分析方法开发算法并执行计算
  • using numerical analysis methods to develop algorithms and perform computations
  • 与管理层和客户联系,确定要调查或检查的主题或区域
  • liaising with management and clients to determine the subject or area to be surveyed or examined
  • 指定要收集的数据,以及收集和分析中使用的方法
  • specifying the data to be collected, and the methodology to be used in collection and analysis
  • 评估和描述源信息的可靠性和实用性
  • evaluating and describing the reliability and utility of source information
  • 分析和解释数据,并生成相关统计数据以描述和推断特定的趋势和模式
  • analysing and interpreting data, and producing relevant statistics to describe and infer particular trends and patterns

    精算师、数学家和统计学家 Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians(ANZSCO职业代码是2241)属于 精算师、数学家和统计学家 Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 职业分类。

    精算师、数学家和统计学家 Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians(ANZSCO职业代码是2241)分类包括下面的职业: