新西兰ANZSCO职业711512:塑料复配回收机操作工 Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator
此ANZSCO职业711512 塑料复配回收机操作工 Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator属于新西兰技能型工作。满足新西兰技术移民要求,在2019/2020年的澳新职业大典中的ANZSCO职业技能等级是4级。ANZSCO职业代码是711512。
此职业(职位)拥有如下职位名称(Job Title) 塑料复合回收机操作员(P) Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator (P), 造粒挤出机操作员 Pelletising Extruder Operator (S), 粉手(塑料) Powder Hand (Plastics) (S), 碎纸机/造粒机操作员 Shredder/Granulator Operator (S),
塑料复配回收机操作工的职位描述(Job Description)如下: 操作混合机和研磨机,准备塑料粉末和液体共混物,并回收工厂生产的废塑料。(Operates mixing and grinding machines to prepare plastic powders and liquid blends, and recycle waste plastic materials from factory operations.)
塑料复配回收机操作工 Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator(ANZSCO职业代码是711512)属于 塑料复配回收机操作工 Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator 职业分类。
塑料复配回收机操作工 Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator类别(ANZSOC代码7115)相关职业:* 塑料制缆机操作员 Plastic Cablemaking Machine Operator * 塑料复配回收机操作工 Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator * 塑料制造商或焊工 Plastics Fabricator or Welder * 塑料生产机械操作员(一般) Plastics Production Machine Operator (General) * 增强塑料及复合材料生产工人 Reinforced Plastic and Composite Production Worker * 橡胶生产机械操作员 Rubber Production Machine Operator * 塑料和橡胶生产机械操作员nec Plastics and Rubber Production Machine Operators nec
此职业(职位)拥有如下职位名称(Job Title) 塑料复合回收机操作员(P) Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator (P), 造粒挤出机操作员 Pelletising Extruder Operator (S), 粉手(塑料) Powder Hand (Plastics) (S), 碎纸机/造粒机操作员 Shredder/Granulator Operator (S),
塑料复配回收机操作工的职位描述(Job Description)如下: 操作混合机和研磨机,准备塑料粉末和液体共混物,并回收工厂生产的废塑料。(Operates mixing and grinding machines to prepare plastic powders and liquid blends, and recycle waste plastic materials from factory operations.)
塑料复配回收机操作工 Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator(ANZSCO职业代码是711512)属于 塑料复配回收机操作工 Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator 职业分类。
在新西兰:NZQF 2级或3级资格(ANZSCO技能4级)
- 调节温度、压力、速度和操作流量的操作控制 < LyType =“光盘”>测量和装载材料、物品和配料进入机器和进给机构
- 监控操作,调节物料供应,向混合物中添加化学品和着色剂
- 将未涂覆的电线和电缆穿过塑料涂层机,绕卷取卷筒,穿过模具和冷却室
- 在模具上铺设外壳、珠子、帘布层和橡胶板
- 用于除去空气的操作辊
- 操作硫化机和控制硫化
- 检查输出是否存在缺陷以及是否符合规范
- 执行小修和维护生产记录
塑料复配回收机操作工 Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator类别(ANZSOC代码7115)相关职业:* 塑料制缆机操作员 Plastic Cablemaking Machine Operator * 塑料复配回收机操作工 Plastic Compounding and Reclamation Machine Operator * 塑料制造商或焊工 Plastics Fabricator or Welder * 塑料生产机械操作员(一般) Plastics Production Machine Operator (General) * 增强塑料及复合材料生产工人 Reinforced Plastic and Composite Production Worker * 橡胶生产机械操作员 Rubber Production Machine Operator * 塑料和橡胶生产机械操作员nec Plastics and Rubber Production Machine Operators nec