新西兰Te Whare Wananga O Awanuiarangi(Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi) Level 3 专业课程列表
新西兰Te Whare Wananga O Awanuiarangi(Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi)提供的新西兰移民局/NZQA认可的学历等级Level 3课程一共有176个,一般来说,修满120学分需要1年的时间。180学分的学业一般需要1年半时间,同理,如果课程有240学分则要2年时间学习,360学分需要3年的学习时间。少于等于60的学分的证书课程一般3到6个月时间可以完成。点击这里查看其他Level的新西兰Te Whare Wananga O Awanuiarangi课程列表
阿毛利 ( Ako ki te Wananga),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 老年保健证书 ( Certificate in Aged Care),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 木工证书 ( Certificate in Carpentry),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 木工证书 (就业前) ( Certificate in Carpentry (Pre-Employment)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 木工行业证书前3级 ( Certificate in Carpentry Pre-Trade Level 3),学历等级Level 3, 119学分 计算证书 ( Certificate in Computing),学历等级Level 3, 65学分 计算证书 ( Certificate in Computing),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 潜水和拖车船操作证书 ( Certificate in Dive and Trailer Boat Operations),学历等级Level 3, 63学分 健康研究基础技能证书 ( Certificate in Foundation Skills for Health Studies),学历等级Level 3, 134学分 美发证书 ( Certificate in Hairdressing),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 酒店经营证书 ( Certificate in Hospitality Operations),学历等级Level 3, 135学分 社会服务入门证书 ( Certificate in Introduction to Social Services),学历等级Level 3, 48学分 教学入门证书 ( Certificate in Introduction to Teaching),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 视觉艺术与设计入门证书 ( Certificate in Introduction to Visual Arts and Design),学历等级Level 3, 43学分 汽车工业证书 (介绍赛车) ( Certificate in Motor Industry (Introductory Motorsport)),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 汽车工业证书 (赛车) ( Certificate in Motor Industry (Motorsport)),学历等级Level 3, 61学分 专业餐饮和烹饪证书 ( Certificate in Professional Catering and Cookery),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 道路运输证书 ( Certificate in Road Transport),学历等级Level 3, 52学分 农村技能证书 ( Certificate in Rural Skills),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 农村技术证书 ( Certificate in Rural Technology),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 安全证书 ( Certificate in Security),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 可持续园艺证书 (水果生产方法) ( Certificate in Sustainable Horticulture (Fruit Production Methods)),学历等级Level 3, 71学分 可持续园艺证书 (种植和使用新西兰当地人) 3 级 ( Certificate in Sustainable Horticulture (Growing and Using New Zealand Natives) Level 3),学历等级Level 3, 75学分 可持续园艺3级证书 (可持续生活方式) ( Certificate in Sustainable Horticulture Level 3 (Sustainable Lifestyle)),学历等级Level 3, 75学分 证书 (高级) ( Certificate in Te Ara Reo (Advanced)),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 技术证书 ( Certificate in Technology),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 旅游和旅游证书 ( Certificate in Tourism and Travel),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 贸易技术证书 ( Certificate in Trade Technology),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 葡萄园实践证书 ( Certificate in Vineyard Practice),学历等级Level 3, 90学分 焊接证书 ( Certificate in Welding),学历等级Level 3, 66学分 焊接和制造证书 ( Certificate in Welding and Fabrication),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 工作和生活技能证书 (Polyventure) ( Certificate in Work and Life Skills (Polyventure)),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 健康与健身证书 ( Certificate of Health and Fitness),学历等级Level 3, 63学分 Kai Oranga ( Kai Oranga),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 国家 Agrichemical 供应证书 ( National Certificate in Agrichemical Supply),学历等级Level 3, 52学分 动物产品检验服务国家证书 (Petfood) ( National Certificate in Animal Product Examination Services (Petfood)),学历等级Level 3, 43 - 66学分 动物产品检验服务国家证书 (家禽) ( National Certificate in Animal Product Examination Services (Poultry)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 水产养殖国家证书 ( National Certificate in Aquaculture),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 水产养殖国家证书 (网箱养鱼) ( National Certificate in Aquaculture (Caged Fish Farming)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 水产养殖国家证书 (淡水养鱼) ( National Certificate in Aquaculture (Freshwater Fish Farming)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 水产养殖国家证书 (介绍性养鱼) ( National Certificate in Aquaculture (Introductory Fish Farming)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 全国可耕农业证书 ( National Certificate in Arable Farming),学历等级Level 3, 67学分 烘焙酵母制造 (操作员) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Baking Yeasts Manufacturing (Operator)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 国家油画制作证书 ( National Certificate in Canvas Fabrication),学历等级Level 3, 108学分 土建工程国家证书 (水平定向钻孔) ( National Certificate in Civil Construction Works (Horizontal Directional Drilling)),学历等级Level 3, 42 - 52学分 国家民用基础设施健康、安全和环境证书 (操作) ( National Certificate in Civil Infrastructure Health, Safety, and Environment (Operations)),学历等级Level 3, 54学分 全国民用工厂经营证书 ( National Certificate in Civil Plant Operation),学历等级Level 3, 91 - 101学分 商业道路运输国家证书 (地面传播) ( National Certificate in Commercial Road Transport (Ground Spreading)),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 国家堆肥证书 ( National Certificate in Composting),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 国家乳品业 (动物健康和畜牧业) 证书 ( National Certificate in Dairy Farming (Animal Health and Husbandry)),学历等级Level 3, 43学分 全国奶牛养殖证书 (人工授精) ( National Certificate in Dairy Farming (Artificial Insemination)),学历等级Level 3, 43 - 53学分 全国奶牛养殖证书 (畜群测试) ( National Certificate in Dairy Farming (Herd Testing)),学历等级Level 3, 51学分 乳品养殖国家证书 (管理奶牛场废水) ( National Certificate in Dairy Farming (Managing Dairy Farm Effluent)),学历等级Level 3, 48学分 乳品制造 (环境系统) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Dairy Manufacturing (Environmental Systems)),学历等级Level 3, 43学分 乳品生产国家证书 (牛奶收集) ( National Certificate in Dairy Manufacturing (Milk Collection)),学历等级Level 3, 56学分 乳品制造 (销售和服务) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Dairy Manufacturing (Sales and Service)),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 乳品制造业国家证书 (技术和专业操作) ( National Certificate in Dairy Manufacturing (Technical and Specialised Operations)),学历等级Level 3, 44学分 乳品供应链国家证书 (销售订单管理) ( National Certificate in Dairy Supply Chain (Sales Order Management)),学历等级Level 3, 45学分 全国鹿农证书 ( National Certificate in Deer Farming),学历等级Level 3, 68学分 国家拆卸证书 (设备操作员) ( National Certificate in Demolition (Equipment Operator)),学历等级Level 3, 95学分 国家钻井烃证书 (工) ( National Certificate in Drilling - Hydrocarbon (Derrickman)),学历等级Level 3, 74 - 98学分 钻井非烃 (司钻) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Drilling - Non-hydrocarbon (Driller)),学历等级Level 3, 90学分 国家电力供应证书 (电缆竞-低压) ( National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Cable Jointer - Low Voltage)),学历等级Level 3, 77学分 国家电力供应证书 (电气) ( National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Electrical)),学历等级Level 3, 120 - 132学分 全国电力供应证书 (总机) ( National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Operator)),学历等级Level 3, 61 - 70学分 国家电力供应证书 (零售) ( National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Retail)),学历等级Level 3, 49学分 国家电力供应证书 (植被控制) ( National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Vegetation Control)),学历等级Level 3, 88学分 国家能源和化工厂证书 (工艺操作) ( National Certificate in Energy and Chemical Plant (Process Operation)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 国家证书在马 (基本的 Farriery) ( National Certificate in Equine (Basic Farriery)),学历等级Level 3, 0学分 马国家证书 (育种) ( National Certificate in Equine (Breeding)),学历等级Level 3, 100学分 采掘工业国家证书 (环境技术员) ( National Certificate in Extractive Industries (Environmental Technician)),学历等级Level 3, 43学分 国家消防和救援服务证书 (工业应急反应) ( National Certificate in Fire and Rescue Services (Industrial Emergency Response)),学历等级Level 3, 45学分 国家燃气网络建设证书 (服务铺设) ( National Certificate in Gas Network Construction (Service Laying)),学历等级Level 3, 83学分 国家燃气网络运营证书 ( National Certificate in Gas Network Operations),学历等级Level 3, 115学分 国家气体传输业务证书 (机械) ( National Certificate in Gas Transmission Operations (Mechanical)),学历等级Level 3, 92学分 国家天然气输送业务 (管道) 证书 ( National Certificate in Gas Transmission Operations (Pipeline)),学历等级Level 3, 51学分 国家证书在灰狗关心和训练 (狗窝手) ( National Certificate in Greyhound Care and Training (Kennel Hand)),学历等级Level 3, 73学分 危险废物 (处理和处置) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Hazardous Waste (Processing and Disposal)),学历等级Level 3, 54学分 健康、残疾和老年支助国家证书 (勤杂工) ( National Certificate in Health, Disability, and Aged Support (Orderlies)),学历等级Level 3, 62学分 国家重型运输证书 (1 级飞行员) ( National Certificate in Heavy Haulage (Class 1 Pilot)),学历等级Level 3, 66学分 热镀锌国家证书 (操作) ( National Certificate in Hot Dip Galvanizing (Operations)),学历等级Level 3, 84学分 基础设施工程国家证书 (林业土木工事) ( National Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Forestry Earthworks)),学历等级Level 3, 80 - 90学分 基础设施工程国家证书 (基础设施管道技术员) ( National Certificate in Infrastructure Works (Infrastructure Pipelaying Technician)),学历等级Level 3, 114学分 皮革制造技术国家证书 (介绍) ( National Certificate in Leather Manufacture Technology (Introductory)),学历等级Level 3, 48学分 肉类加工国家证书 (剔骨) ( National Certificate in Meat Processing (Boning)),学历等级Level 3, 49学分 肉类加工国家证书 (肉类产品规格) ( National Certificate in Meat Processing (Meat Product Specifications)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 肉类加工国家证书 (Smallgoods) ( National Certificate in Meat Processing (Smallgoods)),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 汽车工业国家证书 (拖车船系统工程) ( National Certificate in Motor Industry (Trailer Boat Systems Engineering)),学历等级Level 3, 165学分 罪犯管理国家证书 ( National Certificate in Offender Management),学历等级Level 3, 107学分 国家农场奶质量证书 (农场乳品主管) ( National Certificate in On-farm Milk Quality (Farm Dairy Supervisor)),学历等级Level 3, 46学分 路面铺设国家证书 (沥青铺路机操作) ( National Certificate in Pavement Surfacing (Asphalt Paving Machine Operation)),学历等级Level 3, 59学分 路面铺面国家证书 (散装沥青设备) ( National Certificate in Pavement Surfacing (Bulk Bitumen Equipment)),学历等级Level 3, 0学分 路面铺设国家证书 (工厂作业) ( National Certificate in Pavement Surfacing (Plant Operation)),学历等级Level 3, 61学分 国家害虫管理证书 ( National Certificate in Pest Management),学历等级Level 3, 89 - 92学分 国家害虫监测证书 (负鼠监测-设计师) ( National Certificate in Pest Monitoring (Possum Monitoring - Designer)),学历等级Level 3, 41学分 国家害虫监测证书 (负鼠监测-现场操作) ( National Certificate in Pest Monitoring (Possum Monitoring - Field Operative)),学历等级Level 3, 76学分 全国猪肉生产证书 (高级 Stockperson) ( National Certificate in Pork Production (Senior Stockperson - Husbandry)),学历等级Level 3, 48学分 国家猪肉生产证书 (高级 Stockperson-再生产) ( National Certificate in Pork Production (Senior Stockperson - Reproduction)),学历等级Level 3, 61学分 国家家禽饲养证书 ( National Certificate in Poultry Husbandry),学历等级Level 3, 111 - 123学分 公共部门遵守情况国家证书 (基金会) ( National Certificate in Public Sector Compliance (Foundation)),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 公共部门服务国家证书 (客户/客户服务) ( National Certificate in Public Sector Services (Client/Customer Service)),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 公共部门服务国家证书 (归纳) ( National Certificate in Public Sector Services (Induction)),学历等级Level 3, 43学分 赛车操作国家证书 ( National Certificate in Racing Operations),学历等级Level 3, 50 - 53学分 资源恢复操作的国家证书 ( National Certificate in Resource Recovery Operations),学历等级Level 3, 106学分 路标 (操作员) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Roadmarking (Operator)),学历等级Level 3, 99 - 107学分 路标 (高级操作员) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Roadmarking (Senior Operator)),学历等级Level 3, 108 - 123学分 国家农村服务证书 ( National Certificate in Rural Servicing),学历等级Level 3, 83学分 国家废旧金属回收 (管理) 证书 ( National Certificate in Scrap Metal Recycling (Administration)),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 废金属回收 (操作) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Scrap Metal Recycling (Operations)),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 全国海产品毛利证书 (习惯捕鱼) ( National Certificate in Seafood Māori (Customary Fishing)),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 国家水产品加工证书 (清洁和把) ( National Certificate in Seafood Processing (Cleaning and Sanitising)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 国家水产品风险管理证书 (加工质量) ( National Certificate in Seafood Risk Management (Processing Quality)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 国家海鲜船经营证书 ( National Certificate in Seafood Vessel Operations),学历等级Level 3, 41学分 国家固体废弃物处理证书 (填埋场控制) ( National Certificate in Solid Waste Disposal (Landfill Entry Control)),学历等级Level 3, 69学分 装卸和港口行业国家证书 (货物装卸) ( National Certificate in Stevedoring and Ports Industry (Cargo Handling)),学历等级Level 3, 59学分 装卸和港口工业国家证书 (日志处理和装运) ( National Certificate in Stevedoring and Ports Industry (Log Handling and Ship Loading)),学历等级Level 3, 65学分 国家旅游证书毛利 ( National Certificate in Tourism Māori),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 废物和可回收资源 (液体和危险废物) 运输国家证书 ( National Certificate in Transportation of Waste and Recoverable Resources (Liquid and Hazardous Waste)),学历等级Level 3, 86学分 国内牛和鹿 (家畜) 结核病国家证书 (Tb) ( National Certificate in Tuberculosis (Tb) Testing of Domestic Cattle and Deer (Domestic Cattle)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 国家水网证书 (计划和反应维修技术员) ( National Certificate in Water Reticulation (Planned and Reactive Maintenance Technician)),学历等级Level 3, 81 - 86学分 羊毛收割国家证书 (刀片剪切) ( National Certificate in Wool Harvesting (Blade Shearing)),学历等级Level 3, 110学分 羊毛收获 (机剪杂毛) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Wool Harvesting (Machine Shearing Crossbred Wool)),学历等级Level 3, 110学分 全国羊毛收获证书 (机剪细羊毛) ( National Certificate in Wool Harvesting (Machine Shearing Fine Wool)),学历等级Level 3, 110学分 羊毛收割国家证书 (羊毛处理) ( National Certificate in Wool Harvesting (Wool Handler)),学历等级Level 3, 70学分 羊毛收割国家证书 (羊毛压榨) ( National Certificate in Wool Harvesting (Wool Pressing)),学历等级Level 3, 42学分 Woolskin 制造国家证书 ( National Certificate in Woolskin Manufacture),学历等级Level 3, 113 - 145学分 零废物和资源回收国家证书 (执行原则) ( National Certificate in Zero Waste and Resource Recovery (Principles for Implementation)),学历等级Level 3, 61学分 国家证书工作场所火灾和应急反应 ( National Certificate Workplace Fire and Emergency Response),学历等级Level 3, 64学分 新西兰农业证书 (可耕生产) ( New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Arable Production)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰水产养殖证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Aquaculture),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰清洁证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Cleaning),学历等级Level 3, 40 - 50学分 新西兰商业捕鱼证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Commercial Fishing),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰钻探证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Drilling),学历等级Level 3, 70学分 新西兰电力供应证书 (电缆竞低压) ( New Zealand Certificate in Electricity Supply (Cable Jointer Low Voltage)),学历等级Level 3, 122学分 新西兰电力供应证书 (公用事业 树木栽培 ) ( New Zealand Certificate in Electricity Supply (Utility Arboriculture)),学历等级Level 3, 81 - 86学分 新西兰电子技术证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Electronics Technology),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰电工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Electrotechnology),学历等级Level 3, 95学分 新西兰急救服务证书 (第一响应方) ( New Zealand Certificate in Emergency Care (First Responder)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰紧急通讯中心证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Emergency Communications Centres),学历等级Level 3, 40 - 48学分 新西兰证书在马 (治疗骑马-助理教练) ( New Zealand Certificate in Equine (Therapeutic Riding - Assistant Coach)),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰马育种证书 (种马新郎) ( New Zealand Certificate in Equine Breeding (Stud Groom)),学历等级Level 3, 80学分 新西兰马教练证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Equine Coaching),学历等级Level 3, 75学分 新西兰 Fellmongery 和皮革加工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Fellmongery and Leather Processing),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰消防和救援服务证书 (航空救援救火) ( New Zealand Certificate in Fire and Rescue Services (Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰消防和救援服务证书 (农村) ( New Zealand Certificate in Fire and Rescue Services (Rural)),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰消防和救援服务证书 (工作场所反应) ( New Zealand Certificate in Fire and Rescue Services (Workplace Response)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰工业绳索准入证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Industrial Rope Access),学历等级Level 3, 59学分 新西兰工业纺织品制造证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Industrial Textile Fabrication),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 新西兰基建工程证书挖掘及恢复 ( New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works Excavation and Reinstatement),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰智能证书 (简介) ( New Zealand Certificate in Intelligence (Introduction)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰肉类加工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰肉类加工证书 (动物产品检验) ( New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing (Animal Product Examination)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰肉类加工证书 (动物产品检验) ( New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing (Animal Product Examination)),学历等级Level 3, 40 - 90学分 新西兰肉类加工证书 (清真) ( New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing (Halal)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰客运服务证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Passenger Service),学历等级Level 3, 65 - 75学分 新西兰猪肉生产证书 (Stockperson) ( New Zealand Certificate in Pork Production (Stockperson)),学历等级Level 3, 50 - 80学分 新西兰家禽生产证明书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Poultry Production),学历等级Level 3, 50 - 70学分 新西兰防护涂料证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Protective Coatings),学历等级Level 3, 100学分 新西兰资源恢复证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Resource Recovery),学历等级Level 3, 80学分 新西兰网格燃气管道证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Reticulated Gas Pipelines),学历等级Level 3, 130学分 新西兰 路标 证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Roadmarking),学历等级Level 3, 80 - 91学分 新西兰农村承包证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Rural Contracting),学历等级Level 3, 80学分 新西兰海鲜加工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Seafood Processing),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰剪切 (刀片/杂交/精细) 证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Shearing (Blade/Crossbred/Fine)),学历等级Level 3, 110学分 新西兰留学和职业准备证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰露天采矿和采石业证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Surface Mining and Quarrying),学历等级Level 3, 65学分 新西兰电信证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Telecommunications),学历等级Level 3, 90学分 新西兰证书 Tiaki Kuia, Koroua ( New Zealand Certificate in Tiaki Kuia, Koroua),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰旅游证书毛利 ( New Zealand Certificate in Tourism Māori),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰地下采矿证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Underground Mining),学历等级Level 3, 95学分 新西兰水处理证书 (饮用水/废水) ( New Zealand Certificate in Water Treatment (Drinking-Water/Wastewater)),学历等级Level 3, 45学分 新西兰水处理证书 (小规模系统) ( New Zealand Certificate in Water Treatment (Small Scale Systems)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰斯坦纳教育证书 ( New Zealand Certificate of Steiner Education),学历等级Level 3, 80学分 斯坦纳学校证书 (SSC) ( Steiner School Certificate (SSC)),学历等级Level 3, 130学分 te Pōkaitahi 选举事务处 (Rumaki, 选举事务处禄) (te Kaupae 3) ( Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Rumaki, Reo Rua) (Te Kaupae 3)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 te Pōkaitahi Tikanga (歌, Rongoā, te Nunumi, Mātauranga 毛利, 毛利发展, Rangahau) ( Te Pōkaitahi Tikanga (Waka, Rongoā, Te Ara Nunumi, Mātauranga Māori, Māori Development, Rangahau)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分