新西兰泰普迪尼理工学院(Tai Poutini Polytechnic) Level 3 专业课程列表
新西兰泰普迪尼理工学院(Tai Poutini Polytechnic)提供的新西兰移民局/NZQA认可的学历等级Level 3课程一共有252个,一般来说,修满120学分需要1年的时间。180学分的学业一般需要1年半时间,同理,如果课程有240学分则要2年时间学习,360学分需要3年的学习时间。少于等于60的学分的证书课程一般3到6个月时间可以完成。点击这里查看其他Level的新西兰泰普迪尼理工学院课程列表
阿什顿华纳在保姆教育方面的证书 ( Ashton Warner Certificate in Nanny Education),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 工商管理 Avonmore 证书 ( Avonmore Certificate in Business Administration),学历等级Level 3, 126学分 分销 Avonmore 证书 ( Avonmore Certificate in Distribution),学历等级Level 3, 121学分 美发 Avonmore 证书 ( Avonmore Certificate in Hairdressing),学历等级Level 3, 149学分 酒店 Avonmore 证书 ( Avonmore Certificate in Hospitality),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 高级基督教部证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Christian Ministry),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 高级基督教研究证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Christian Studies),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 高级烹饪实践证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Culinary Practice),学历等级Level 3, 72学分 老年保健证书 ( Certificate in Aged Care),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 航空公司和国际旅行社业务证书 ( Certificate in Airline and International Travel Agency Operations),学历等级Level 3, 68学分 动物护理和培训证书 ( Certificate in Animal Care and Training),学历等级Level 3, 150学分 应用商业实践证书 ( Certificate in Applied Business Practices),学历等级Level 3, 100学分 应用技术证书 ( Certificate in Applied Technology),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 应用旅游与旅游证书 ( Certificate in Applied Travel and Tourism),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 树木栽培 证书 ( Certificate in Arboriculture),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 汽车工程证书 ( Certificate in Automotive Engineering),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 L3 汽车工程证书 ( Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 汽车工程证书, 3 级 ( Certificate in Automotive Engineering, Level 3),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 汽车重行业证书 ( Certificate in Automotive Heavy Trades),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 基本烹饪证书 ( Certificate in Basic Cookery),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 美容零售证书 ( Certificate in Beauty Retail),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 自行车技工证书 ( Certificate in Bicycle Mechanics),学历等级Level 3, 66学分 工商管理证书 ( Certificate in Business Administration),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 商业管理和计算证书 ( Certificate in Business Administration and Computing),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 工商管理和就业技能证书 ( Certificate in Business Administration and Employment Skills),学历等级Level 3, 70学分 CAD 制图证书 ( Certificate in CAD Drafting),学历等级Level 3, 85学分 木工证书 ( Certificate in Carpentry),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 木工证书 (住宅和商业) ( Certificate in Carpentry (Residential and Commercial)),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 木工行业证书前3级 ( Certificate in Carpentry Pre-Trade Level 3),学历等级Level 3, 119学分 基督教发展证书 ( Certificate in Christian Development),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 基督教部证书 ( Certificate in Christian Ministry),学历等级Level 3, 81学分 民用工厂经营证书 (介绍) ( Certificate in Civil Plant Operation (Introductory)),学历等级Level 3, 136学分 民用、采石和采矿证书 (介绍) ( Certificate in Civil, Quarrying and Mining (Introductory)),学历等级Level 3, 176学分 商业花证书 ( Certificate in Commercial Floristry),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 计算证书 ( Certificate in Computing),学历等级Level 3, 65学分 计算证书 ( Certificate in Computing),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 计算证书 (CIC) ( Certificate in Computing (CIC)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 计算证书 (VLC) ( Certificate in Computing (VLC)),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 施工证书 ( Certificate in Construction),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 联系中心证书和就业技能 ( Certificate in Contact Centre and Employment Skills),学历等级Level 3, 89学分 烹饪证书 ( Certificate in Cookery),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 乳品技术证书 ( Certificate in Dairy Technology),学历等级Level 3, 45学分 数字媒体证书 (iCreate) ( Certificate in Digital Media (iCreate)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 驾驶教育证书 ( Certificate in Driver Education),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 儿童早期研究证书 ( Certificate in Early Childhood Studies),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 职业技能英语证书 ( Certificate in Employment Skills English),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 工程证书 ( Certificate in Engineering),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 工程证书 ( Certificate in Engineering),学历等级Level 3, 122学分 工程证书 (配件及车削) ( Certificate in Engineering (Fitting and Turning)),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 工程和汽车技术证书 ( Certificate in Engineering and Automotive Skills),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 工程技术证书 [专业] ( Certificate in Engineering Technology [Specialty]),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 环境管理证书 ( Certificate in Environmental Management),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 采掘业证书 (入门技能) 表面提取 ( Certificate in Extractive Industries (Introductory Skills) Surface Extraction),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 花证书 ( Certificate in Floristry),学历等级Level 3, 102学分 林业证书 ( Certificate in Forestry),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 基础艺术与工艺证书 ( Certificate in Foundation Art and Craft),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 基础音乐证书 ( Certificate in Foundation Music),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 健康研究基础技能证书 ( Certificate in Foundation Skills for Health Studies),学历等级Level 3, 134学分 基础研究证书 ( Certificate in Foundation Studies),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 基础研究证书 ( Certificate in Foundation Studies),学历等级Level 3, 135学分 服装技术证书 (基础) ( Certificate in Garment Technology (Foundation)),学历等级Level 3, 96学分 一般农场技能证书 ( Certificate in General Farm Skills),学历等级Level 3, 68学分 团体健身教育证书 ( Certificate in Group Fitness Instruction),学历等级Level 3, 42学分 美发证书 ( Certificate in Hairdressing),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 美发证书 ( Certificate in Hairdressing),学历等级Level 3, 82学分 美发技能证书 ( Certificate in Hairdressing Skills),学历等级Level 3, 118学分 健康科学证书 (入学前) ( Certificate in Health Sciences (Pre Entry)),学历等级Level 3, 41学分 高性能体育证书 ( Certificate in High Performance Sport),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 园艺应用证书 ( Certificate in Horticulture Applications),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 信息技术证书 ( Certificate in Information Technology),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 中级现代音乐证书 ( Certificate in Intermediate Contemporary Music),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 教师协助入门证书 ( Certificate in Introduction to Teacher Aiding),学历等级Level 3, 47学分 教学入门证书 ( Certificate in Introduction to Teaching),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 细木工证书 ( Certificate in Joinery),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 景观设计证书 ( Certificate in Landscape Design),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 语言、文化和解决技能证书 ( Certificate in Language, Culture and Settlement Skills),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 图案设计证书 ( Certificate in Pattern Design),学历等级Level 3, 85学分 虫害管理证书 ( Certificate in Pest Management),学历等级Level 3, 90学分 前健康科学证书 ( Certificate in Pre Health Science),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 贸易前美容证书 ( Certificate in Pre-trade Hairdressing),学历等级Level 3, 145学分 专业餐饮 (烹饪) 证书 ( Certificate in Professional Catering (Cookery)),学历等级Level 3, 79学分 专业烹饪艺术证书 ( Certificate in Professional Culinary Arts),学历等级Level 3, 121学分 专业美发证书 ( Certificate in Professional Hairdressing),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 专业美发证书 ( Certificate in Professional Hairdressing),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 专业餐厅证书;酒和酒吧服务 ( Certificate in Professional Restaurant; Wine and Bar Service),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 农村领导证书 ( Certificate in Rural Leadership),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 水产品加工证书 ( Certificate in Seafood Processing),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 滑雪巡逻证书 ( Certificate in Ski Patrol),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 冲销技术证书 ( Certificate in Sterilising Technology),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 可持续农业证书 ( Certificate in Sustainable Farming),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 可持续增长证书 ( Certificate in Sustainable Growing),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 可持续园艺证书 (种植和使用新西兰当地人) 3 级 ( Certificate in Sustainable Horticulture (Growing and Using New Zealand Natives) Level 3),学历等级Level 3, 75学分 可持续园艺3级证书 (可持续生活方式) ( Certificate in Sustainable Horticulture Level 3 (Sustainable Lifestyle)),学历等级Level 3, 75学分 大专学习证书 ( Certificate in Tertiary Study),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 旅游和旅游证书 ( Certificate in Tourism and Travel),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 旅行和旅游证书 ( Certificate in Travel and Tourism),学历等级Level 3, 128学分 轮胎维修管理证书 ( Certificate in Tyre Servicing and Management),学历等级Level 3, 97 - 117学分 大学预备证书 ( Certificate in University Preparation),学历等级Level 3, 140学分 葡萄园实践证书 ( Certificate in Vineyard Practice),学历等级Level 3, 90学分 焊接证书 ( Certificate in Welding),学历等级Level 3, 66学分 焊接和制造证书 ( Certificate in Welding and Fabrication),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 焊接和制造技能证书 ( Certificate in Welding and Fabrication Skills),学历等级Level 3, 79学分 工作和生活技能证书 (Polyventure) ( Certificate in Work and Life Skills (Polyventure)),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 健康与健身证书 ( Certificate of Health and Fitness),学历等级Level 3, 63学分 户外教育证书 ( Certificate of Outdoor Education),学历等级Level 3, 46学分 舞蹈表演证书 ( Certificate of Performance in Dance),学历等级Level 3, 97学分 戏剧表演证书 ( Certificate of Performance in Drama),学历等级Level 3, 97学分 音乐表演证书 ( Certificate of Performance in Music),学历等级Level 3, 97学分 商业技能皇冠证书 ( Crown Certificate in Business Skills),学历等级Level 3, 53学分 国际酒店服务及接待业务皇冠证书 ( Crown Certificate in International Hospitality Hotel Services and Reception Operations),学历等级Level 3, 153学分 旅游旅游皇冠证书 ( Crown Certificate in Travel and Tourism),学历等级Level 3, 61学分 旅游、旅游和航空学皇冠证书 ( Crown Certificate in Travel, Tourism and Airline Studies),学历等级Level 3, 116学分 皇冠国际酒店证书 (餐饮服务, 餐饮服务, 餐饮管理介绍) ( Crown International Hospitality Certificate (Food Services, Beverage Service, Introduction to Food and Beverage Management)),学历等级Level 3, 157学分 理发基础证书 ( Cut Above Foundation Certificate in Hairdressing),学历等级Level 3, 134学分 桌面排版和网页设计培训证书 ( IT Training Certificate in Desktop Publishing and Web Design),学历等级Level 3, 42学分 Mahinga 凯特 Hoata (Kaupae 3) ( Mahinga Kai - Te Hoata (Kaupae 3)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 国家航空 Storekeeping 证书 ( National Certificate in Aeronautical Storekeeping),学历等级Level 3, 95学分 国家农业证书 (动物饲养和牧场) ( National Certificate in Agriculture (Animal Feeding and Pastures)),学历等级Level 3, 53学分 国家养蜂证书 ( National Certificate in Apiculture),学历等级Level 3, 71学分 国家烘焙证书 ( National Certificate in Baking),学历等级Level 3, 140学分 造船国家证书 ( National Certificate in Boatbuilding),学历等级Level 3, 116 - 154学分 造船 (船舶电气和电子安装) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Boatbuilding (Marine Electrical and Electronic Installation)),学历等级Level 3, 87学分 国家商业证书 ( National Certificate in Business),学历等级Level 3, 42学分 国家商业证书 (一线管理) ( National Certificate in Business (First Line Management)),学历等级Level 3, 45学分 工商管理与计算国家证书 ( National Certificate in Business Administration and Computing),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 国家地毯制造证书 (高级操作) ( National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Advanced Operations)),学历等级Level 3, 52学分 出纳赌场国家证书 ( National Certificate in Casino Cashiering),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 国家赌场安全证书 ( National Certificate in Casino Security),学历等级Level 3, 74学分 国家民防证书 (答复) ( National Certificate in Civil Defence (Response)),学历等级Level 3, 52学分 全国服装制造业证书 ( National Certificate in Clothing manufacture),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 服装制造国家证书 (商业缝纫技能) ( National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Commercial Sewing Skills)),学历等级Level 3, 51学分 服装制造 (裁剪) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Cutting)),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 服装制造国家证书 (设计和制) ( National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Design and Patternmaking)),学历等级Level 3, 51学分 服装制造国家证书 (技工) ( National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Mechanic)),学历等级Level 3, 51学分 服装制造 (缝纫) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Sewing)),学历等级Level 3, 54学分 国家复合材料证书 ( National Certificate in Composites),学历等级Level 3, 94学分 核心索具国家证书 ( National Certificate in Core Rigging),学历等级Level 3, 61学分 瓦楞纸箱转换国家证书 ( National Certificate in Corrugated Case Converting),学历等级Level 3, 121 - 254学分 国家设计证书 ( National Certificate in Design),学历等级Level 3, 56学分 发行国家证书 ( National Certificate in Distribution),学历等级Level 3, 56学分 儿童早期教育和护理国家证书 ( National Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care),学历等级Level 3, 63学分 国家证书在马 (稳定的规程) ( National Certificate in Equine (Stable Procedures)),学历等级Level 3, 100 - 106学分 采掘业国家证书 (使用炸药的土地操作) ( National Certificate in Extractive Industries (Land Operations Using Explosives)),学历等级Level 3, 63学分 采掘业国家证书 (业务) ( National Certificate in Extractive Industries (Operations)),学历等级Level 3, 51 - 79学分 采掘业国家证书 (砂) ( National Certificate in Extractive Industries (Sand)),学历等级Level 3, 70学分 采掘业国家证书 (轨道衡业务) ( National Certificate in Extractive Industries (Weighbridge Operations)),学历等级Level 3, 59学分 国家火灾探测和警报系统证书 (测试) ( National Certificate in Fire Detection and Alarm Systems (Testing)),学历等级Level 3, 102学分 国家固定消防系统证书 ( National Certificate in Fixed Fire Protection Systems),学历等级Level 3, 88 - 109学分 国家食品及相关产品加工证书 ( National Certificate in Food and Related Products Processing),学历等级Level 3, 59学分 国家林业证书 ( National Certificate in Forestry),学历等级Level 3, 49 - 73学分 国家货物服务证书 (重型车辆驾驶员) ( National Certificate in Goods Service (Heavy Vehicle Driver)),学历等级Level 3, 56学分 国家美发证书 (沙龙支持) ( National Certificate in Hairdressing (Salon Support)),学历等级Level 3, 75学分 健康、残疾和老龄支助国家证书 (核心能力) ( National Certificate in Health, Disability, and Aged Support (Core Competencies)),学历等级Level 3, 57学分 健康、残疾和老年支助国家证书 (保健助理) ( National Certificate in Health, Disability, and Aged Support (Health Assistants)),学历等级Level 3, 72 - 73学分 国家接待证书 ( National Certificate in Hospitality),学历等级Level 3, 44学分 国家招待证书 (酒吧和俱乐部) ( National Certificate in Hospitality (Bars and Clubs)),学历等级Level 3, 42学分 国家接待证书 (基本烹饪) ( National Certificate in Hospitality (Basic Cookery)),学历等级Level 3, 73学分 国家接待 (咖啡馆) 证书 ( National Certificate in Hospitality (Cafes)),学历等级Level 3, 46学分 工业绳索准入国家证书 (初级绳索技能) ( National Certificate in Industrial Rope Access (Elementary Rope Skills)),学历等级Level 3, 73学分 全国细木工证书 ( National Certificate in Joinery),学历等级Level 3, 96 - 138学分 国家码头业务和服务证书 ( National Certificate in Marina Operations and Services),学历等级Level 3, 105学分 国家海事证书 (商业近海船舶业务) ( National Certificate in Maritime (Commercial Inshore Vessel Operations)),学历等级Level 3, 91学分 全国汽车工业证书 (汽车重型工程) ( National Certificate in Motor Industry (Automotive Heavy Engineering)),学历等级Level 3, 229 - 251学分 职业健康和安全国家证书 (工作场所安全) ( National Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (Workplace Safety)),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 国家药学证书 (助理) ( National Certificate in Pharmacy (Assistant)),学历等级Level 3, 88学分 国家铁路运营证书 (机车工程师) ( National Certificate in Rail Operations (Locomotive Engineer)),学历等级Level 3, 114 - 139学分 全国零售业证书 (防损) ( National Certificate in Retail (Loss Prevention)),学历等级Level 3, 49学分 索具国家证书 ( National Certificate in Rigging),学历等级Level 3, 128 - 188学分 脚手架国家证书 (初等) ( National Certificate in Scaffolding (Elementary)),学历等级Level 3, 190学分 国家安全证书 (通信) ( National Certificate in Security (Communications)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 国家固体废弃物处理证书 (填埋作业) ( National Certificate in Solid Waste Disposal (Landfill Operations)),学历等级Level 3, 52学分 国家专业救援证书 (绳索技术员) ( National Certificate in Specialist Rescue (Rope Technician)),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 国家旅游证书 (核心技能) ( National Certificate in Tourism (Core Skills)),学历等级Level 3, 54学分 国家焊接证书 ( National Certificate in Welding),学历等级Level 3, 69学分 新西兰航空 Storekeeping 证书 (航空零件搬运/航空 Toolstore) ( New Zealand Certificate in Aeronautical Storekeeping (Aviation Parts Handling/Aviation Toolstore)),学历等级Level 3, 70学分 新西兰农业证书 (耕作制度) ( New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Farming Systems)),学历等级Level 3, 85学分 新西兰农业 (畜牧业) 证书 (奶制品, 肉类和纤维) ( New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Livestock Husbandry) (Dairy, and Meat and Fibre)),学历等级Level 3, 70学分 新西兰农业证书 (牛奶收割) ( New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Milk Harvesting)),学历等级Level 3, 70学分 新西兰农业证书 (畜牧畜牧业生产) ( New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Pastoral Livestock Production)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰农业证书 (车辆、机械和基础设施) ( New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Vehicles, Machinery and Infrastructure)),学历等级Level 3, 45学分 新西兰飞机维修证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Aircraft Servicing),学历等级Level 3, 80学分 新西兰动物保育证书 (鱼、马、伴侣动物和生活方式块动物) ( New Zealand Certificate in Animal Care (Fish, Horses, Companion Animals, and Lifestyle Block Animals)),学历等级Level 3, 70学分 新西兰养蜂证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Apiculture),学历等级Level 3, 65学分 新西兰应用科学证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Applied Science),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰艺术与设计证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Arts and Design),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰汽车工程证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Engineering),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 新西兰建筑、建筑和相关行业技能证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Building, Construction, and Allied Trades Skills),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰商业证书 (行政和技术) ( New Zealand Certificate in Business (Administration and Technology)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰碰撞修复和汽车修补证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Collision Repair and Automotive Refinishing),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 新西兰商业道路运输证书 (重型车辆操作员) ( New Zealand Certificate in Commercial Road Transport (Heavy Vehicle Operator)),学历等级Level 3, 90学分 新西兰复合材料证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Composites),学历等级Level 3, 130学分 新西兰计算机证书 (中级用户) ( New Zealand Certificate in Computing (Intermediate User)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰建筑贸易技能证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Construction Trade Skills),学历等级Level 3, 60 - 120学分 新西兰烹饪证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Cookery),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰起重机证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Cranes),学历等级Level 3, 50 - 55学分 新西兰起重机证书 (Dogman 作业) ( New Zealand Certificate in Cranes (Dogman Operations)),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰起重机证书 (自架设塔式起重机安装) ( New Zealand Certificate in Cranes (Self-Erecting Tower Crane Erection)),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 新西兰信贷管理证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Credit Administration),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 新西兰儿童早期教育和护理证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰电气工程理论证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Electrical Engineering Theory),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 新西兰电子技术证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Electronics Technology),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰电工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Electrotechnology),学历等级Level 3, 95学分 新西兰急救服务证书 (第一响应方) ( New Zealand Certificate in Emergency Care (First Responder)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰紧急通讯中心证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Emergency Communications Centres),学历等级Level 3, 40 - 48学分 新西兰英语语言证书 (适用) ( New Zealand Certificate in English Language (Applied)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 在填装和公平的表面的新西兰证明 ( New Zealand Certificate in Fill and Fair Surfaces),学历等级Level 3, 105学分 新西兰消防和救援服务证书 (航空救援救火) ( New Zealand Certificate in Fire and Rescue Services (Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰消防和救援服务证书 (农村) ( New Zealand Certificate in Fire and Rescue Services (Rural)),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰消防和救援服务证书 (工作场所反应) ( New Zealand Certificate in Fire and Rescue Services (Workplace Response)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰食品和饮料服务证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Food and Beverage Service),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰工业绳索准入证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Industrial Rope Access),学历等级Level 3, 59学分 新西兰基础设施工程证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰基础设施工厂和设备运营证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Infrastructure Works Plant and Equipment Operation),学历等级Level 3, 40 - 70学分 新西兰智能证书 (简介) ( New Zealand Certificate in Intelligence (Introduction)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰国际货运物流证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in International Freight Logistics),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰土地基础可持续性实践证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Land Based Sustainability Practices),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰肉类加工证书 (清真) ( New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing (Halal)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰机械工程证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Mechanical Engineering),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 新西兰有机初级产品证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Organic Primary Production),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰害虫作业证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Pest Operations),学历等级Level 3, 40 - 60学分 新西兰猪肉生产证书 (Stockperson) ( New Zealand Certificate in Pork Production (Stockperson)),学历等级Level 3, 50 - 80学分 新西兰港口经营证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Port Operations),学历等级Level 3, 75学分 新西兰家禽生产证明书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Poultry Production),学历等级Level 3, 50 - 70学分 新西兰初级产品食品加工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Primary Products Food Processing),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰海鲜加工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Seafood Processing),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰剪切 (刀片/杂交/精细) 证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Shearing (Blade/Crossbred/Fine)),学历等级Level 3, 110学分 新西兰体育教练证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Sport Coaching),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰体育、运动和休闲活动证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Sport, Exercise, and Leisure Operations),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰留学和职业准备证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰组织转换证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Tissue Converting),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰旅游证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Tourism),学历等级Level 3, 40 - 60学分 新西兰旅游证书毛利 ( New Zealand Certificate in Tourism Māori),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰商业烘焙证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Trade Baking),学历等级Level 3, 100学分 新西兰证书 nau ( New Zealand Certificate in Whānau Ora),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰木材搬运和配送证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Wood Handling and Distribution),学历等级Level 3, 50 - 55学分 新西兰木制板材制造证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Wood Panel Manufacturing),学历等级Level 3, 62 - 69学分 信息通信技术 NZIS 证书 ( NZIS Certificate in Information Communication Technology),学历等级Level 3, 62学分 个人培训 NZIS 证书 ( NZIS Certificate in Personal Training),学历等级Level 3, 93学分 警务人员前熟练 NZIS 证书 ( NZIS Certificate in Pre Police Proficiency),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 体育研究 NZIS 证书 ( NZIS Certificate in Sport Studies),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 NZMA 商业和就业技能证书 ( NZMA Certificate in Business and Employment Skills),学历等级Level 3, 88学分 NZMA 商业和就业技能4级证书 ( NZMA Certificate in Business and Employment Skills Level 4),学历等级Level 3, 84学分 NZMA 酒店及就业技能3级证书 ( NZMA Certificate in Hospitality and Employment Skills Level 3),学历等级Level 3, 106学分 基础研究泰勒证书 ( Taylors Certificate in Foundation Studies),学历等级Level 3, 150学分 te Pōkaitahi Tikanga (歌, Rongoā, te Nunumi, Mātauranga 毛利, 毛利发展, Rangahau) ( Te Pōkaitahi Tikanga (Waka, Rongoā, Te Ara Nunumi, Mātauranga Māori, Māori Development, Rangahau)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 德福农业证书 ( Telford Certificate in Agriculture),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 德福农业知识证书 ( Telford Certificate in Agriculture Knowledge),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 马术知识证书 ( Telford Certificate in Equestrian Knowledge),学历等级Level 3, 70学分 马德福证书 ( Telford Certificate in Equine),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 德福证书在马知识 ( Telford Certificate in Equine Knowledge),学历等级Level 3, 69 - 71学分 德尔福 Farriery 知识证书 ( Telford Certificate in Farriery Knowledge),学历等级Level 3, 80学分 福羊知识证书 ( Telford Certificate in Sheep Knowledge),学历等级Level 3, 70学分