新西兰技能活动奥特雷有限公司(Skills Active Aotearoa Limited) Level 4 专业课程列表
新西兰技能活动奥特雷有限公司(Skills Active Aotearoa Limited)提供的新西兰移民局/NZQA认可的学历等级Level 4课程一共有205个,一般来说,修满120学分需要1年的时间。180学分的学业一般需要1年半时间,同理,如果课程有240学分则要2年时间学习,360学分需要3年的学习时间。少于等于60的学分的证书课程一般3到6个月时间可以完成。点击这里查看其他Level的新西兰技能活动奥特雷有限公司课程列表
健康护理助理证书 ( Certificate for Health Care Assistants),学历等级Level 4, 64学分 高级树木栽培 证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Arboriculture),学历等级Level 4, 69学分 高级建筑实践证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Building Practice),学历等级Level 4, 344学分 高级时装研究证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Fashion Studies),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 先进的房屋操作证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Front of House Operations),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 高级卫生保健援助证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Health Care Assistance),学历等级Level 4, 86学分 先进的电子工程技术证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Pre-trade Electrical Engineering Skills),学历等级Level 4, 48学分 高级专业美发证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Professional Hairdressing),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 高级证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Te Ara Reo Maori),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 高级焊接证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Welding),学历等级Level 4, 77学分 美学证书 (面部治疗) ( Certificate in Aesthetics (Facial Therapy)),学历等级Level 4, 86学分 农业工程证书 ( Certificate in Agricultural Engineering),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 农业证书 (牛羊养殖) 等级4 ( Certificate in Agriculture (Cattle & Sheep Farming) Level 4),学历等级Level 4, 141学分 农业知识证书 ( Certificate in Agriculture Knowledge),学历等级Level 4, 63学分 动物保育证书 ( Certificate in Animal Care),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 应用艺术证书 ( Certificate in Applied Arts),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 应用体育证书 ( Certificate in Applied Sport),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 树木栽培 证书 ( Certificate in Arboriculture),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 树木栽培 证书 ( Certificate in Arboriculture),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 艺术与工艺证书 (基础) ( Certificate in Art and Craft (Foundation)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 音频制作证书 ( Certificate in Audio Production),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 美容临床实践证书 ( Certificate in Beauty Clinic Practices),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 美容专家证书 ( Certificate in Beauty Specialist),学历等级Level 4, 53学分 美容治疗证书 ( Certificate in Beauty Therapy),学历等级Level 4, 240学分 建筑证书 ( Certificate in Building),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 商业证书 ( Certificate in Business),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 商业证书 ( Certificate in Business),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 商业管理和计算证书 ( Certificate in Business Administration and Computing),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 工商管理 L4 证书 ( Certificate in Business Administration L4),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 商业基础证书4级 ( Certificate in Business Foundation Level 4),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 商业研究证书 ( Certificate in Business Studies),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 CAD 绘图与设计证书 ( Certificate in CAD Draughting and Design),学历等级Level 4, 69学分 木工证书 ( Certificate in Carpentry),学历等级Level 4, 347学分 木工证书 ( Certificate in Carpentry),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 木工技能证书 ( Certificate in Carpentry Skills),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 基督教家庭生活教育证书 ( Certificate in Christian Family Life Education),学历等级Level 4, 78学分 基督教部证书 (适用) ( Certificate in Christian Ministry (Applied)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 基督教研究证书 ( Certificate in Christian Studies),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 商业果品生产管理证书 ( Certificate in Commercial Fruit Production Management),学历等级Level 4, 148学分 计算机编程证书 ( Certificate in Computer Programming),学历等级Level 4, 62学分 计算机系统工程证书 ( Certificate in Computer Systems Engineering),学历等级Level 4, 65学分 当代音乐表演证书 ( Certificate in Contemporary Music Performance),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 烹饪证书 ( Certificate in Cookery),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 创新技术证书 ( Certificate in Creative Technologies),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 设计证书 (基础) ( Certificate in Design (Foundation)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 设计绘图证书 ( Certificate in Design Draughting),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 数字动画证书 ( Certificate in Digital Animation),学历等级Level 4, 158学分 图纸设计证书: 当今技术概论 ( Certificate in Drawing and Design: An Introduction to Today's Technology),学历等级Level 4, 240学分 儿童早期教育证书-特 Pihiora ( Certificate in Early Childhood Education - Te Pihiora),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 教育和社会科学证书 ( Certificate in Education and Social Sciences),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 工程技术证书 ( Certificate in Engineering Technology),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 学术英语证书 ( Certificate in English for Academic Purposes),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 卫生专业人员英语证书 (密集) ( Certificate in English for Health Professionals (Intensive)),学历等级Level 4, 42学分 农场分析证书 ( Certificate in Farm Analysis),学历等级Level 4, 48学分 农场管理证书 ( Certificate in Farm Management),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 时装技术与设计证书 ( Certificate in Fashion Technology & Design),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 基础研究证书 ( Certificate in Foundation Studies),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 家具和细木工证书 ( Certificate in Furniture and Joinery),学历等级Level 4, 72学分 健康研究证书 ( Certificate in Health Studies),学历等级Level 4, 96学分 园艺证书 ( Certificate in Horticulture),学历等级Level 4, 165学分 人类服务证书 (社会服务) ( Certificate in Human Services (Social Services)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 信息和通信技术证书 ( Certificate in Information and Communications Technology),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 国际烹饪证书 (烹饪艺术) ( Certificate in International Cookery (Culinary Arts)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 日语证书 ( Certificate in Japanese),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 毛利人表演艺术证书 (技能提高) ( Certificate in Maori Performing Arts (Skill Enhancement)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 媒体通信证书 ( Certificate in Media Communication),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 部级证书 ( Certificate in Ministry),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 指甲技术证书 ( Certificate in Nail Technology),学历等级Level 4, 45学分 有机园艺证书 ( Certificate in Organic Horticulture),学历等级Level 4, 50学分 有机园艺知识证书 ( Certificate in Organic Horticulture Knowledge),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 户外探险技能和领导证书 ( Certificate in Outdoor Adventure Skills and Leadership),学历等级Level 4, 122学分 户外娱乐证书 ( Certificate in Outdoor Recreation),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 摄影艺术与数码摄影证书 ( Certificate in Photographic Arts and Digital Photography),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 实用会计证书 ( Certificate in Practical Accounting),学历等级Level 4, 96学分 实用部技能证书 ( Certificate in Practical Ministry Skills),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 学徒前 Goldsmithing 及珠宝证书 ( Certificate in Pre-Apprenticeship Goldsmithing and Jewellery),学历等级Level 4, 160学分 蜂王饲养证书 ( Certificate in Queen Bee Rearing),学历等级Level 4, 42 - 43学分 小型企业和监管管理证书 ( Certificate in Small Business and Supervisory Management),学历等级Level 4, 124学分 小型企业管理证书 (创业) ( Certificate in Small Business Management (Entrepreneurship)),学历等级Level 4, 64学分 体育与健身证书 ( Certificate in Sport & Fitness),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 证书在 Te Pouhono ( Certificate in Te Pouhono),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 证书在我奥纳 Tikanga ( Certificate in Te Reo Me Ona Tikanga),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 Tikanga/Raranga 的证书 ( Certificate in Te Reo Me Ona Tikanga / Raranga),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 Tikanga/Whakairo 的证书 ( Certificate in Te Reo Me Ona Tikanga / Whakairo),学历等级Level 4, 121学分 向其他语言的演讲者教授英语的证书 ( Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 英语非母语教师教学证书 ( Certificate in TESOL for Non-native Teachers of English to Young Learners),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 旅游经营和导游证书 ( Certificate in Tourism Operations and Guiding),学历等级Level 4, 155学分 旅行业务证书 ( Certificate in Travel Operations),学历等级Level 4, 128学分 大学预备证书 ( Certificate in University Preparation),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 大学学习证书 ( Certificate in University Studies),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 Web 创作和数据库设计证书 ( Certificate in Web Authoring and Database Design),学历等级Level 4, 102学分 舞蹈高级表演证书 ( Certificate of Advanced Performance in Dance),学历等级Level 4, 105学分 戏剧高级表演证书 ( Certificate of Advanced Performance in Drama),学历等级Level 4, 105学分 高级音乐表演证书 ( Certificate of Advanced Performance in Music),学历等级Level 4, 105学分 计算机网络教师证书 ( Computer Networking Instructors Certificate),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 就业前木工证书 ( G&H Certificate in Pre-Employment Carpentry),学历等级Level 4, 122学分 商业管理与计算 HLC 证书 ( HLC Certificate in Business Administration and Computing),学历等级Level 4, 101学分 国家商业证书 (一线管理) ( National Certificate in Business (First Line Management)),学历等级Level 4, 45学分 国家工商管理证书 ( National Certificate in Business Administration),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 国家地毯制造证书 (簇绒地毯整理) ( National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Tufted Carpet Finishing)),学历等级Level 4, 92学分 国家地毯制造证书 (簇绒地毯检验和分级) ( National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Tufted Carpet Inspection and Grading)),学历等级Level 4, 87学分 国家地毯制造证书 (梭织地毯织机调整) ( National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Woven Carpet Loom Tuning)),学历等级Level 4, 133学分 全国服装制造业证书 ( National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture),学历等级Level 4, 74学分 竞争制造业国家证书 ( National Certificate in Competitive Manufacturing),学历等级Level 4, 70学分 国家保护证书 ( National Certificate in Conservation),学历等级Level 4, 65学分 瓦楞纸箱转换国家证书 (平床模切机操作员) ( National Certificate in Corrugated Case Converting (Flat Bed Die Cutter Operator)),学历等级Level 4, 75学分 瓦楞纸箱转换国家证书 (柔版夹糊操作员) ( National Certificate in Corrugated Case Converting (Flexo Folder Gluer Operator)),学历等级Level 4, 80学分 瓦楞纸箱转换国家证书 (专业糊操作员) ( National Certificate in Corrugated Case Converting (Specialty Gluer Operator)),学历等级Level 4, 65学分 发行国家证书 ( National Certificate in Distribution),学历等级Level 4, 82学分 国家 Diversional 治疗证书 ( National Certificate in Diversional Therapy),学历等级Level 4, 90学分 国家潜水证书 (领导) ( National Certificate in Diving (Leadership)),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 全国电力供应证书 (线路机械分销) ( National Certificate in Electricity Supply (Line Mechanic Distribution)),学历等级Level 4, 118学分 国家击剑证书 ( National Certificate in Fencing),学历等级Level 4, 122学分 国家金融服务证书 ( National Certificate in Financial Services),学历等级Level 4, 50学分 全国手指焊接证书 ( National Certificate in Finger Jointing),学历等级Level 4, 75学分 国家火灾探测报警系统证书 ( National Certificate in Fire Detection and Alarm Systems),学历等级Level 4, 206学分 国家消防系统技术证书 (检验和测试) ( National Certificate in Fire Protection Systems Technology (Inspection and Testing)),学历等级Level 4, 250学分 全国健身证书 (个人培训业务技能) ( National Certificate in Fitness (Personal Training Business Skills)),学历等级Level 4, 50学分 国家固定消防系统证书 ( National Certificate in Fixed Fire Protection Systems),学历等级Level 4, 208学分 国家食品及相关产品加工证书 ( National Certificate in Food and Related Products Processing),学历等级Level 4, 66学分 国家园艺证书 (高级) ( National Certificate in Horticulture (Advanced)),学历等级Level 4, 210学分 国家接待证书 (业务监督) ( National Certificate in Hospitality (Operations Supervision)),学历等级Level 4, 76 - 115学分 全国细木工证书 (工匠) ( National Certificate in Joinery (Craftsperson)),学历等级Level 4, 233学分 全国汽车工业证书 (汽车电气与机械工程) ( National Certificate in Motor Industry (Automotive Electrical and Mechanical Engineering)),学历等级Level 4, 97 - 138学分 全国汽车工业证书 (汽车电气工程) ( National Certificate in Motor Industry (Automotive Electrical Engineering)),学历等级Level 4, 244学分 汽车机械行业国家证书 ( National Certificate in Motor Industry (Automotive Machining)),学历等级Level 4, 167学分 汽车工业国家证书 (摩托车工程) ( National Certificate in Motor Industry (Motorcycle Engineering)),学历等级Level 4, 239学分 国家户外娱乐证书 ( National Certificate in Outdoor Recreation),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 国家户外娱乐证书 (教学) ( National Certificate in Outdoor Recreation (Instruction)),学历等级Level 4, 45 - 86学分 国家户外娱乐证书 (内河导游) ( National Certificate in Outdoor Recreation (River Guide)),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 国家项目管理证书 ( National Certificate in Project Management),学历等级Level 4, 70学分 国家房地产证书 (销售人员) ( National Certificate in Real Estate (Salesperson)),学历等级Level 4, 47学分 国家康乐体育证书 ( National Certificate in Recreation and Sport),学历等级Level 4, 45学分 国家 雪上运动 (巡逻) 证书 ( National Certificate in Snowsport (Patrol)),学历等级Level 4, 70学分 雪上运动设备国家证书 ( National Certificate in Snowsport Equipment),学历等级Level 4, 60 - 65学分 新西兰航空工程证书 (工作场所入门技能) ( New Zealand Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering (Workplace Introductory Skills)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰水产处理系统证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Aquatic Treatment Systems),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰游泳证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Aquatics),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰水上运动证书 (专业游泳和水安全教师) ( New Zealand Certificate in Aquatics (Specialised Swim and Water Safety Teacher)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰艺术与设计证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Arts and Design),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰美容治疗证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Beauty Therapy),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰爆破证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Blasting),学历等级Level 4, 65 - 100学分 新西兰建筑法规环境证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Building Regulatory Environment),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰商业证书 (一线管理) ( New Zealand Certificate in Business (First Line Management)),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰木工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Carpentry),学历等级Level 4, 320学分 新西兰基督教部证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Christian Ministry),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰联络中心证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Contact Centres),学历等级Level 4, 70学分 新西兰烹饪证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Cookery),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰创意证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Creativity),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰舞蹈证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Dance),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰数字媒体与设计证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Digital Media and Design),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰 DJ 和电子音乐制作证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in DJ and Electronic Music Production),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰戏剧证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Drama),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰儿童早期教育和护理证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰教育支持证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Education Support),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 新西兰娱乐和活动技术证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Entertainment and Event Technology),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰运动证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Exercise),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰设施运营证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Facility Operations),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰手指接合证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Finger Jointing),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰森林工业行动证书 (规划和监测) ( New Zealand Certificate in Forest Industry Operations (Planning and Monitoring)),学历等级Level 4, 50 - 64学分 新西兰自由式集体运动证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Freestyle Group Exercise),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰重型汽车工程证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Heavy Automotive Engineering),学历等级Level 4, 240学分 新西兰遗产信息证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Heritage Information),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰园艺生产证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture Production),学历等级Level 4, 90 - 160学分 新西兰园艺服务证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture Services),学历等级Level 4, 60 - 185学分 新西兰酒店接待证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Hotel Reception),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰工业测量与控制证书 (实习) ( New Zealand Certificate in Industrial Measurement and Control (Practice)),学历等级Level 4, 80学分 新西兰工业测量与控制证书 (理论) ( New Zealand Certificate in Industrial Measurement and Control (Theory)),学历等级Level 4, 155学分 新西兰介绍 Snowschool 指导证书 (适用) ( New Zealand Certificate in Introductory Snowschool Instruction (Applied)),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰珠宝证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Jewellery),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰化妆艺术证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Makeup Artistry),学历等级Level 4, 120 - 135学分 新西兰音乐证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Music),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰指甲技术证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Nail Technology),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰 Nga Taonga Takaro 证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Ngā Taonga Tākaro),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 新西兰在校外医疗证明 ( New Zealand Certificate in Out of School Care),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 新西兰户外和冒险教育证书 (多技能) ( New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor and Adventure Education (Multi-skilled)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰户外体验证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor Experiences),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 新西兰户外领导证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Outdoor Leadership),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰表演艺术证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Performing Arts),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰项目管理证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Project Management),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰房地产证书 (销售人员) ( New Zealand Certificate in Real Estate (Salesperson)),学历等级Level 4, 50学分 新西兰零售业证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Retail),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰证书在锯篡改 ( New Zealand Certificate in Saw Doctoring),学历等级Level 4, 125学分 新西兰 Snowgrooming 证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Snowgrooming),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 新西兰 雪上运动 设备证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Snowsport Equipment),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰 雪上运动 巡逻队证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Snowsport Patrol),学历等级Level 4, 80学分 新西兰体育与娱乐证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Sport and Recreation),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰体育教练证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Sport Coaching),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰体育、娱乐和运动证书 (多部门) ( New Zealand Certificate in Sport, Recreation and Exercise (Multi-sector)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰琢石艺术证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Stonemasonry),学历等级Level 4, 120 - 220学分 新西兰留学和职业准备证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰旅游公约和奖励证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Tourism Conventions and Incentives),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰公用事业维修证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Utilities Maintenance),学历等级Level 4, 95学分 北国理工学院文凭 ( Northland Polytechnic Certificate in Academic Studies),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 NZIM 语言、文化和管理证书 ( NZIM Certificate in Language, Culture and Management),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 NZIM 实践管理证书 (健康) ( NZIM Certificate in Practice Management (Health)),学历等级Level 4, 50学分 NZIM 小企业企业家证书 ( NZIM Small Business Entrepreneurs Certificate),学历等级Level 4, 80学分 美发 Servilles 证书 ( Servilles Certificate in Hairdressing),学历等级Level 4, 150学分 乔治西摩大学会议与活动规划证书 ( Sir George Seymour College Certificate in Conference and Events Planning),学历等级Level 4, 49学分 Kaitiaki o Ngā物品 Tuku 国际水文学组织 ( Te Mana Kaitiaki o Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho),学历等级Level 4, 90学分 Te Tohu Tauihu (Kaupae 4) ( Te Tohu Tauihu (Kaupae 4)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 先进农村生产的德福证书 ( Telford Certificate in Advanced Rural Production),学历等级Level 4, 68 - 108学分 应用型农村生产的德福证书 ( Telford Certificate in Applied Rural Production),学历等级Level 4, 69学分 福鹿知识证书 ( Telford Certificate in Deer Knowledge),学历等级Level 4, 80学分 股票和车站的德福证书 ( Telford Certificate in Stock and Station),学历等级Level 4, 122学分