新西兰MSL 培训集团(MSL Training Limited) Level 4 专业课程列表
新西兰MSL 培训集团(MSL Training Limited)提供的新西兰移民局/NZQA认可的学历等级Level 4课程一共有116个,一般来说,修满120学分需要1年的时间。180学分的学业一般需要1年半时间,同理,如果课程有240学分则要2年时间学习,360学分需要3年的学习时间。少于等于60的学分的证书课程一般3到6个月时间可以完成。点击这里查看其他Level的新西兰MSL 培训集团课程列表
健康护理助理证书 ( Certificate for Health Care Assistants),学历等级Level 4, 64学分 高级建筑实践证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Building Practice),学历等级Level 4, 344学分 先进的房屋操作证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Front of House Operations),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 高级卫生保健援助证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Health Care Assistance),学历等级Level 4, 86学分 高级专业美发证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Professional Hairdressing),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 农业工程证书 ( Certificate in Agricultural Engineering),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 农业证书 (牛羊养殖) 等级4 ( Certificate in Agriculture (Cattle & Sheep Farming) Level 4),学历等级Level 4, 141学分 动物保育证书 ( Certificate in Animal Care),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 应用体育证书 ( Certificate in Applied Sport),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 树木栽培 证书 ( Certificate in Arboriculture),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 美容临床实践证书 ( Certificate in Beauty Clinic Practices),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 建筑证书 ( Certificate in Building),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 商业证书 ( Certificate in Business),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 商业管理和计算证书 ( Certificate in Business Administration and Computing),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 工商管理 L4 证书 ( Certificate in Business Administration L4),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 商业基础证书4级 ( Certificate in Business Foundation Level 4),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 商业研究证书 ( Certificate in Business Studies),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 木工证书 ( Certificate in Carpentry),学历等级Level 4, 347学分 社区和社会服务证书 ( Certificate in Community and Social Services),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 当代音乐表演证书 ( Certificate in Contemporary Music Performance),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 烹饪证书 ( Certificate in Cookery),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 图纸设计证书: 当今技术概论 ( Certificate in Drawing and Design: An Introduction to Today's Technology),学历等级Level 4, 240学分 儿童早期教育证书-特 Pihiora ( Certificate in Early Childhood Education - Te Pihiora),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 教育和社会科学证书 ( Certificate in Education and Social Sciences),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 健康研究证书 ( Certificate in Health Studies),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 园艺证书 ( Certificate in Horticulture),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 酒店服务证书 (操作监督) ( Certificate in Hospitality (Operations Supervision)),学历等级Level 4, 91学分 人类服务证书 (专业) ( Certificate in Human Services (Specialty)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 信息技术证书 ( Certificate in Information Technology),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 国际烹饪证书 (烹饪艺术) ( Certificate in International Cookery (Culinary Arts)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 学习入门证书 ( Certificate in Introduction to Study),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 大型动物技术证书 ( Certificate In Large Animal Technology),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 按摩证书 ( Certificate in Massage),学历等级Level 4, 45学分 Mâori 证书 ( Certificate in Mata â Ao Mâori),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 媒体艺术证书 ( Certificate in Media Arts),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 有机园艺知识证书 ( Certificate in Organic Horticulture Knowledge),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 户外探险与娱乐证书 ( Certificate in Outdoor Adventure and Recreation),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 户外活动证书 ( Certificate in Outdoor Pursuits),学历等级Level 4, 109学分 学徒前 Goldsmithing 及珠宝证书 ( Certificate in Pre-Apprenticeship Goldsmithing and Jewellery),学历等级Level 4, 160学分 专业烹饪证书 ( Certificate in Professional Cookery),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 专业餐厅、酒吧、酒类证书 ( Certificate in Professional Restaurant, Bar and Wine),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 蜂王饲养证书 ( Certificate in Queen Bee Rearing),学历等级Level 4, 42 - 43学分 无线电广播证书 ( Certificate in Radio Broadcasting),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 放松按摩证书 ( Certificate in Relaxation Massage),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 零售和批发旅游证书 ( Certificate in Retail and Wholesale Travel),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 雪上运动 指示 (滑雪) 或 (滑雪板) 的证书 ( Certificate in Snowsport Instructing (Ski) or (Snowboard)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 社会服务证书 ( Certificate in Social Services),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 琢石艺术 证书 ( Certificate in Stonemasonry),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 证书 ( Certificate in Te Pu o te Toi),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 向其他语言的演讲者教授英语的证书 ( Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 技术证书 ( Certificate in Technology),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 大学预备证书 ( Certificate in University Preparation),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 大学学习证书 ( Certificate in University Studies),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 大学预备证书 ( Certificate of University Preparation),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 国家边境管理证书 (海关) ( National Certificate in Border Management (Customs)),学历等级Level 4, 73 - 88学分 国家商业证书 (一线管理) ( National Certificate in Business (First Line Management)),学历等级Level 4, 45学分 国家工商管理证书 ( National Certificate in Business Administration),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 职业实践证书 ( National Certificate in Career Practice),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 国家地毯制造证书 (簇绒地毯整理) ( National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Tufted Carpet Finishing)),学历等级Level 4, 92学分 国家地毯制造证书 (簇绒地毯检验和分级) ( National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Tufted Carpet Inspection and Grading)),学历等级Level 4, 87学分 国家地毯制造证书 (梭织地毯织机调整) ( National Certificate in Carpet Manufacture (Woven Carpet Loom Tuning)),学历等级Level 4, 133学分 全国服装制造业证书 ( National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture),学历等级Level 4, 74学分 国家服装制造证书 (机械师) ( National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Mechanic)),学历等级Level 4, 65学分 竞争制造业国家证书 ( National Certificate in Competitive Manufacturing),学历等级Level 4, 70学分 国家遵守和管制控制证书 (地方政府委员会管理) ( National Certificate in Compliance and Regulatory Control (Local Government Committee Management)),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 在酒类许可证中有一条可选的国家遵守和管制 (地方政府执行) 证书 ( National Certificate in Compliance and Regulatory Control (Local Government Enforcement) with an optional strand in Liquor Licensing),学历等级Level 4, 61学分 国家计算机证书 ( National Certificate in Computing),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 建筑行业国家证书 (主管) ( National Certificate in Construction Trades (Supervisor)),学历等级Level 4, 58学分 瓦楞纸箱转换国家证书 (平床模切机操作员) ( National Certificate in Corrugated Case Converting (Flat Bed Die Cutter Operator)),学历等级Level 4, 75学分 瓦楞纸箱转换国家证书 (柔版夹糊操作员) ( National Certificate in Corrugated Case Converting (Flexo Folder Gluer Operator)),学历等级Level 4, 80学分 瓦楞纸箱转换国家证书 (专业糊操作员) ( National Certificate in Corrugated Case Converting (Specialty Gluer Operator)),学历等级Level 4, 65学分 发行国家证书 ( National Certificate in Distribution),学历等级Level 4, 82学分 国家金融服务证书 ( National Certificate in Financial Services),学历等级Level 4, 50学分 全国手指焊接证书 ( National Certificate in Finger Jointing),学历等级Level 4, 75学分 国家火灾探测报警系统证书 ( National Certificate in Fire Detection and Alarm Systems),学历等级Level 4, 206学分 国家消防系统技术证书 (检验和测试) ( National Certificate in Fire Protection Systems Technology (Inspection and Testing)),学历等级Level 4, 250学分 国家固定消防系统证书 ( National Certificate in Fixed Fire Protection Systems),学历等级Level 4, 208学分 国家食品及相关产品加工证书 ( National Certificate in Food and Related Products Processing),学历等级Level 4, 66学分 国家制造业证书 (金属及相关产品) ( National Certificate in Manufacturing (Metal and Related Products)),学历等级Level 4, 77学分 海运销售和服务的国家证书 (船销售和经纪) ( National Certificate in Marine Sales and Services (Boat Sales and Brokerage)),学历等级Level 4, 117学分 海运销售和服务国家证书 (海运零售和分销) ( National Certificate in Marine Sales and Services (Marine Retail and Distribution)),学历等级Level 4, 116学分 国家海事证书 (商业沿海值班) ( National Certificate in Maritime (Commercial Coastal Watchkeeping)),学历等级Level 4, 102学分 国家海事证书 (商业沿海船舶硕士) ( National Certificate in Maritime (Master of Commercial Coastal Vessel)),学历等级Level 4, 89学分 肉类零售屠宰国家证书 (高级) ( National Certificate in Meat Retail Butchery (Advanced)),学历等级Level 4, 241学分 国家肉类零售证书 (屠体加工) ( National Certificate in Meat Retailing (Carcass Processing)),学历等级Level 4, 84学分 全国肉类零售业 (预测、采购和生产) 证书 ( National Certificate in Meat Retailing (Forecasting, Purchasing and Production)),学历等级Level 4, 58学分 国家金属铸造证书 (技术) ( National Certificate in Metal Casting (Technology)),学历等级Level 4, 244学分 国家被动防火证书 (建筑同意检查) ( National Certificate in Passive Fire Protection (Building Consent Inspections)),学历等级Level 4, 70学分 国家塑料加工技术证书 (技术) ( National Certificate in Plastics Processing Technology (Technical)),学历等级Level 4, 55学分 印刷行业管理国家证书 ( National Certificate in Print Industry Management),学历等级Level 4, 67学分 国家印刷证书 (装订和整理) ( National Certificate in Printing (Binding and Finishing)),学历等级Level 4, 75 - 80学分 国家印刷证书 (印刷用数字处理) ( National Certificate in Printing (Digital Processes for Print)),学历等级Level 4, 100学分 国家印刷证书 (直邮制作) ( National Certificate in Printing (Direct Mail Production)),学历等级Level 4, 90学分 国家质量管理证书 ( National Certificate in Quality Management),学历等级Level 4, 65学分 国家制冷和空调证书 ( National Certificate in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning),学历等级Level 4, 284学分 新西兰航空工程证书 (专家支持) ( New Zealand Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering (Specialist Support)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰造船证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Boat Building),学历等级Level 4, 285 - 325学分 新西兰 Chandlery 证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Chandlery),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰复合材料证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Composites),学历等级Level 4, 210学分 新西兰计算机证书 (高级用户) ( New Zealand Certificate in Computing (Advanced User)),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰联络中心证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Contact Centres),学历等级Level 4, 70学分 新西兰烹饪证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Cookery),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰英语语言证书 (就业) ( New Zealand Certificate in English Language (Employment)),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰英语语言证书 (一般) ( New Zealand Certificate in English Language (General)),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰食品和饮料证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Food and Beverage),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰灌溉工程证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Irrigation Engineering),学历等级Level 4, 135学分 新西兰滨海设施证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Marina Facilities),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰海洋涂料证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Marine Coatings),学历等级Level 4, 180学分 新西兰海洋内部证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Marine Interiors),学历等级Level 4, 240学分 新西兰海洋系统证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Marine Systems),学历等级Level 4, 220 - 280学分 新西兰指甲技术证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Nail Technology),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰项目管理证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Project Management),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰零售业证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Retail),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰留学和职业准备证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰开放式职业技术学院教师协助证书 ( Open Polytechnic of New Zealand Certificate in Teacher Aiding),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 出学校的护理和娱乐证书 ( Out of School Care and Recreation Certificate),学历等级Level 4, 40学分