新西兰G and H 培训机构(G and H Training Limited) Level 3 专业课程列表
新西兰G and H 培训机构(G and H Training Limited)提供的新西兰移民局/NZQA认可的学历等级Level 3课程一共有55个,一般来说,修满120学分需要1年的时间。180学分的学业一般需要1年半时间,同理,如果课程有240学分则要2年时间学习,360学分需要3年的学习时间。少于等于60的学分的证书课程一般3到6个月时间可以完成。点击这里查看其他Level的新西兰G and H 培训机构课程列表
应用商业实践证书 ( Certificate in Applied Business Practices),学历等级Level 3, 100学分 汽车维修证书 ( Certificate in Automobile Servicing),学历等级Level 3, 130学分 工商管理证书 ( Certificate in Business Administration),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 商业驾驶选择证书 ( Certificate in Commercial Driving Options),学历等级Level 3, 61学分 儿童早期研究证书 ( Certificate in Early Childhood Studies),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 工程证书 ( Certificate in Engineering),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 美发证书 ( Certificate in Hairdressing),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 信息技术证书 ( Certificate in Information Technology),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 虫害管理证书 ( Certificate in Pest Management),学历等级Level 3, 90学分 贸易前美容证书 ( Certificate in Pre-trade Hairdressing),学历等级Level 3, 145学分 专业美发证书 ( Certificate in Professional Hairdressing),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 可持续农业证书 ( Certificate in Sustainable Farming),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 可持续增长证书 ( Certificate in Sustainable Growing),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 工作犬知识证书 ( Certificate in Working Dogs Knowledge),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 肉类加工国家证书 (肉类产品规格) ( National Certificate in Meat Processing (Meat Product Specifications)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 肉类加工国家证书 (Smallgoods) ( National Certificate in Meat Processing (Smallgoods)),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 国家农场奶质量证书 (农场乳品主管) ( National Certificate in On-farm Milk Quality (Farm Dairy Supervisor)),学历等级Level 3, 46学分 国家害虫管理证书 ( National Certificate in Pest Management),学历等级Level 3, 89 - 92学分 国家害虫监测证书 (负鼠监测-设计师) ( National Certificate in Pest Monitoring (Possum Monitoring - Designer)),学历等级Level 3, 41学分 国家害虫监测证书 (负鼠监测-现场操作) ( National Certificate in Pest Monitoring (Possum Monitoring - Field Operative)),学历等级Level 3, 76学分 全国猪肉生产证书 (高级 Stockperson) ( National Certificate in Pork Production (Senior Stockperson - Husbandry)),学历等级Level 3, 48学分 国家猪肉生产证书 (高级 Stockperson-再生产) ( National Certificate in Pork Production (Senior Stockperson - Reproduction)),学历等级Level 3, 61学分 国家家禽饲养证书 ( National Certificate in Poultry Husbandry),学历等级Level 3, 111 - 123学分 赛车操作国家证书 ( National Certificate in Racing Operations),学历等级Level 3, 50 - 53学分 国家农村服务证书 ( National Certificate in Rural Servicing),学历等级Level 3, 83学分 国家水产品加工证书 (清洁和把) ( National Certificate in Seafood Processing (Cleaning and Sanitising)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 全国体育裁判证书 ( National Certificate in Sport Officiating),学历等级Level 3, 42学分 Tūroa 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Te Ao Tūroa),学历等级Level 3, 80学分 新西兰住宿证明书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Accommodation),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰农业 (畜牧业) 证书 (奶制品, 肉类和纤维) ( New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Livestock Husbandry) (Dairy, and Meat and Fibre)),学历等级Level 3, 70学分 新西兰高山度假村运营证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Alpine Resort Operations),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰动物保育证书 (鱼、马、伴侣动物和生活方式块动物) ( New Zealand Certificate in Animal Care (Fish, Horses, Companion Animals, and Lifestyle Block Animals)),学历等级Level 3, 70学分 新西兰游泳证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Aquatics),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰助理户外领导证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Assistant Outdoor Leadership),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰汽车工程证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Automotive Engineering),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 新西兰建筑、建筑和相关行业技能证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Building, Construction, and Allied Trades Skills),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰碰撞修复和汽车修补证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Collision Repair and Automotive Refinishing),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 新西兰建筑贸易技能证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Construction Trade Skills),学历等级Level 3, 60 - 120学分 新西兰英语语言证书 (适用) ( New Zealand Certificate in English Language (Applied)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰肉类加工证书 (清真) ( New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing (Halal)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰猪肉生产证书 (Stockperson) ( New Zealand Certificate in Pork Production (Stockperson)),学历等级Level 3, 50 - 80学分 新西兰家禽生产证明书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Poultry Production),学历等级Level 3, 50 - 70学分 新西兰海鲜加工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Seafood Processing),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰剪切 (刀片/杂交/精细) 证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Shearing (Blade/Crossbred/Fine)),学历等级Level 3, 110学分 德尔福骆驼知识证书 (L3) ( Telford Certificate in Camelid Knowledge (L3)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 德福证书在马知识 ( Telford Certificate in Equine Knowledge),学历等级Level 3, 66学分 德福证书在马研究 ( Telford Certificate in Equine Studies),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 德福农场证书 (乳品) ( Telford Certificate in Farming (Dairy)),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 德福耕作证书 (实践) ( Telford Certificate in Farming (Practices)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 林业德福证书 ( Telford Certificate in Forestry),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 德福园设计证书 ( Telford Certificate in Garden Design),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 实用农业证书 ( Telford Certificate in Practical Agriculture),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 福牛羊挤奶证书 (动物知识) (L3) ( Telford Certificate in Sheep Milking (Animal Knowledge) (L3)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 德福羊挤奶证书 (行业知识) (L3) ( Telford Certificate in Sheep Milking (Industry Knowledge) (L3)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 德福股票和加油站助理证书 ( Telford Stock and Station Assistant's Certificate),学历等级Level 3, 120 - 124学分