新西兰Crown 教育学院(Crown Institute of Studies Limited) Level 3 专业课程列表
新西兰Crown 教育学院(Crown Institute of Studies Limited)提供的新西兰移民局/NZQA认可的学历等级Level 3课程一共有68个,一般来说,修满120学分需要1年的时间。180学分的学业一般需要1年半时间,同理,如果课程有240学分则要2年时间学习,360学分需要3年的学习时间。少于等于60的学分的证书课程一般3到6个月时间可以完成。点击这里查看其他Level的新西兰Crown 教育学院课程列表
阿什顿华纳在保姆教育方面的证书 ( Ashton Warner Certificate in Nanny Education),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 工商管理 Avonmore 证书 ( Avonmore Certificate in Business Administration),学历等级Level 3, 126学分 分销 Avonmore 证书 ( Avonmore Certificate in Distribution),学历等级Level 3, 121学分 美发 Avonmore 证书 ( Avonmore Certificate in Hairdressing),学历等级Level 3, 149学分 酒店 Avonmore 证书 ( Avonmore Certificate in Hospitality),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 高级基督教研究证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Christian Studies),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 商业计算证书 ( Certificate in Business Computing),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 计算机支持与网络技术证书 ( Certificate in Computer Support and Network Technology),学历等级Level 3, 78学分 计算证书 (雅鲯 Rorohiko) ( Certificate in Computing (Nga Mahi Rorohiko)),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 计算机和办公系统证书 ( Certificate in Computing and Office Systems),学历等级Level 3, 100学分 计算要点证书 ( Certificate in Computing Essentials),学历等级Level 3, 67学分 基本施工技能证书 ( Certificate in Elementary Construction Skills),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 执行秘书技能证书 ( Certificate in Executive Secretary Skills),学历等级Level 3, 81学分 基础研究证书 ( Certificate in Foundation Studies),学历等级Level 3, 135学分 秘书长技能证书 ( Certificate in General Secretary Skills),学历等级Level 3, 56学分 园艺和农业证书 (华 Whenua) ( Certificate in Horticulture and Agriculture (Hua Whenua)),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 专业餐饮 (烹饪) 证书 ( Certificate in Professional Catering (Cookery)),学历等级Level 3, 79学分 葡萄园实践证书 ( Certificate in Vineyard Practice),学历等级Level 3, 90学分 户外教育证书 ( Certificate of Outdoor Education),学历等级Level 3, 46学分 舞蹈表演证书 ( Certificate of Performance in Dance),学历等级Level 3, 97学分 戏剧表演证书 ( Certificate of Performance in Drama),学历等级Level 3, 97学分 音乐表演证书 ( Certificate of Performance in Music),学历等级Level 3, 97学分 商业技能皇冠证书 ( Crown Certificate in Business Skills),学历等级Level 3, 53学分 国际酒店服务及接待业务皇冠证书 ( Crown Certificate in International Hospitality Hotel Services and Reception Operations),学历等级Level 3, 153学分 旅游旅游皇冠证书 ( Crown Certificate in Travel and Tourism),学历等级Level 3, 61学分 旅游、旅游和航空学皇冠证书 ( Crown Certificate in Travel, Tourism and Airline Studies),学历等级Level 3, 116学分 皇冠国际酒店证书 (餐饮服务, 餐饮服务, 餐饮管理介绍) ( Crown International Hospitality Certificate (Food Services, Beverage Service, Introduction to Food and Beverage Management)),学历等级Level 3, 157学分 农业土地培训证书 ( Land Based Training Certificate in Agriculture),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 乳品 LBT 农业证书 ( LBT Certificate in Agriculture with strands in Dairy),学历等级Level 3, 121学分 奶牛和绵羊/牛肉 LBT 农业证书 ( LBT Certificate in Agriculture with strands in Dairy and Sheep/Beef),学历等级Level 3, 201学分 LBT 农业用绵羊和牛肉的证书 ( LBT Certificate in Agriculture with strands in Sheep and Beef),学历等级Level 3, 123学分 Mahinga 凯特 Hoata (Kaupae 3) ( Mahinga Kai - Te Hoata (Kaupae 3)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 国家养蜂证书 ( National Certificate in Apiculture),学历等级Level 3, 71学分 国家边境管理证书 (海关) ( National Certificate in Border Management (Customs)),学历等级Level 3, 65学分 国家民防证书 (答复) ( National Certificate in Civil Defence (Response)),学历等级Level 3, 52学分 国家潜水证书 (基础技能) ( National Certificate in Diving (Foundation Skills)),学历等级Level 3, 42学分 电子工程国家证书 ( National Certificate in Electronic Engineering),学历等级Level 3, 117学分 国家接待证书 (前厅) ( National Certificate in Hospitality (Front Office)),学历等级Level 3, 47学分 国家海事证书 (商业近海船舶业务) ( National Certificate in Maritime (Commercial Inshore Vessel Operations)),学历等级Level 3, 91学分 国家铁路运营证书 (机车工程师) ( National Certificate in Rail Operations (Locomotive Engineer)),学历等级Level 3, 114 - 139学分 国家焊接证书 ( National Certificate in Welding),学历等级Level 3, 69学分 新西兰住宿证明书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Accommodation),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰农业 (畜牧业) 证书 (奶制品, 肉类和纤维) ( New Zealand Certificate in Agriculture (Livestock Husbandry) (Dairy, and Meat and Fibre)),学历等级Level 3, 70学分 新西兰动物保育证书 (鱼、马、伴侣动物和生活方式块动物) ( New Zealand Certificate in Animal Care (Fish, Horses, Companion Animals, and Lifestyle Block Animals)),学历等级Level 3, 70学分 新西兰养蜂证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Apiculture),学历等级Level 3, 65学分 新西兰应用科学证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Applied Science),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰起重机操作证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Crane Operation),学历等级Level 3, 50 - 65学分 新西兰起重机证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Cranes),学历等级Level 3, 50 - 55学分 新西兰起重机证书 (Dogman 作业) ( New Zealand Certificate in Cranes (Dogman Operations)),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰起重机证书 (自架设塔式起重机安装) ( New Zealand Certificate in Cranes (Self-Erecting Tower Crane Erection)),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 新西兰信贷管理证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Credit Administration),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 新西兰儿童早期教育和护理证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰电子技术证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Electronics Technology),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰电工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Electrotechnology),学历等级Level 3, 95学分 新西兰紧急通讯中心证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Emergency Communications Centres),学历等级Level 3, 40 - 48学分 新西兰消防和救援服务证书 (航空救援救火) ( New Zealand Certificate in Fire and Rescue Services (Aviation Rescue Fire Fighting)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰消防和救援服务证书 (农村) ( New Zealand Certificate in Fire and Rescue Services (Rural)),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 新西兰消防和救援服务证书 (工作场所反应) ( New Zealand Certificate in Fire and Rescue Services (Workplace Response)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰食品和饮料服务证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Food and Beverage Service),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰工业绳索准入证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Industrial Rope Access),学历等级Level 3, 59学分 新西兰智能证书 (简介) ( New Zealand Certificate in Intelligence (Introduction)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰国际货运物流证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in International Freight Logistics),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰毛利商业和管理证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Māori Business and Management),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰害虫作业证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Pest Operations),学历等级Level 3, 40 - 60学分 新西兰体育教练证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Sport Coaching),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰旅游证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Tourism),学历等级Level 3, 40 - 60学分 新西兰旅游证书毛利 ( New Zealand Certificate in Tourism Māori),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 Te Hanga 哪里 ( Te Hanga Whare),学历等级Level 3, 85学分