新西兰交流学院(Community Colleges New Zealand Limited) Level 4 专业课程列表
新西兰交流学院(Community Colleges New Zealand Limited)提供的新西兰移民局/NZQA认可的学历等级Level 4课程一共有162个,一般来说,修满120学分需要1年的时间。180学分的学业一般需要1年半时间,同理,如果课程有240学分则要2年时间学习,360学分需要3年的学习时间。少于等于60的学分的证书课程一般3到6个月时间可以完成。点击这里查看其他Level的新西兰交流学院课程列表
高级时装研究证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Fashion Studies),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 先进的电子工程技术证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Pre-trade Electrical Engineering Skills),学历等级Level 4, 48学分 高级证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Te Ara Reo Maori),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 农业工程证书 ( Certificate in Agricultural Engineering),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 动物保育证书 ( Certificate in Animal Care),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 应用艺术证书 ( Certificate in Applied Arts),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 树木栽培 证书 ( Certificate in Arboriculture),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 树木栽培 证书 ( Certificate in Arboriculture),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 音频制作证书 ( Certificate in Audio Production),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 美容临床实践证书 ( Certificate in Beauty Clinic Practices),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 建筑证书 ( Certificate in Building),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 商业证书 ( Certificate in Business),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 商业管理和计算证书 ( Certificate in Business Administration and Computing),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 商业研究证书 ( Certificate in Business Studies),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 基督教部证书 (适用) ( Certificate in Christian Ministry (Applied)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 商业果品生产管理证书 ( Certificate in Commercial Fruit Production Management),学历等级Level 4, 148学分 计算机系统工程证书 ( Certificate in Computer Systems Engineering),学历等级Level 4, 65学分 计算设计证书 (介绍) ( Certificate in Computing Design (Introduction)),学历等级Level 4, 43学分 烹饪证书 ( Certificate in Cookery),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 数字动画证书 ( Certificate in Digital Animation),学历等级Level 4, 158学分 卫生专业人员英语证书 (密集) ( Certificate in English for Health Professionals (Intensive)),学历等级Level 4, 42学分 健康研究证书 ( Certificate in Health Studies),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 园艺证书 ( Certificate in Horticulture),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 学习入门证书 ( Certificate in Introduction to Study),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 大型动物技术证书 ( Certificate In Large Animal Technology),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 毛利人表演艺术证书 (技能提高) ( Certificate in Maori Performing Arts (Skill Enhancement)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 按摩证书 ( Certificate in Massage),学历等级Level 4, 45学分 媒体艺术证书 ( Certificate in Media Arts),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 部级证书 ( Certificate in Ministry),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 户外探险与娱乐证书 ( Certificate in Outdoor Adventure and Recreation),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 个人培训证书 ( Certificate in Personal Training),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 实用部技能证书 ( Certificate in Practical Ministry Skills),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 无线电广播证书 ( Certificate in Radio Broadcasting),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 可再生技术证书 ( Certificate in Renewable Technology),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 零售和批发旅游证书 ( Certificate in Retail and Wholesale Travel),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 小型企业和监管管理证书 ( Certificate in Small Business and Supervisory Management),学历等级Level 4, 124学分 社会服务证书 ( Certificate in Social Services),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 体育与娱乐证书 ( Certificate in Sport and Recreation),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 证书 ( Certificate in Te Pu o te Toi),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 教师协助证书 ( Certificate in Teacher Aiding),学历等级Level 4, 97学分 向其他语言的演讲者教授英语的证书 ( Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 技术证书 ( Certificate in Technology),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 大专学习技能证书 ( Certificate in Tertiary Study Skills),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 教学证书 ( Certificate in TESOL),学历等级Level 4, 48学分 英语非母语教师教学证书 ( Certificate in TESOL for Non-native Teachers of English to Young Learners),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 旅游证书 ( Certificate in Tourism),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 旅游经营和导游证书 ( Certificate in Tourism Operations and Guiding),学历等级Level 4, 155学分 解剖学和生理学证书 ( Certificate of Anatomy and Physiology),学历等级Level 4, 42学分 化妆品设计与生产证书 ( Certificate of Makeup Design and Production),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 大学预备证书 ( Certificate of University Preparation),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 商业管理与计算 HLC 证书 ( HLC Certificate in Business Administration and Computing),学历等级Level 4, 101学分 国家成人教育和培训证书 ( National Certificate in Adult Education and Training),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 国家农业证书 ( National Certificate in Agriculture),学历等级Level 4, 82 - 130学分 造船 (船舶电气和电子安装) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Boatbuilding (Marine Electrical and Electronic Installation)),学历等级Level 4, 126学分 国家边境管理证书 (海关) ( National Certificate in Border Management (Customs)),学历等级Level 4, 73 - 88学分 职业实践证书 ( National Certificate in Career Practice),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 国家木工证书 ( National Certificate in Carpentry),学历等级Level 4, 294学分 国家遵守和管制控制证书 (地方政府委员会管理) ( National Certificate in Compliance and Regulatory Control (Local Government Committee Management)),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 在酒类许可证中有一条可选的国家遵守和管制 (地方政府执行) 证书 ( National Certificate in Compliance and Regulatory Control (Local Government Enforcement) with an optional strand in Liquor Licensing),学历等级Level 4, 61学分 国家复合材料证书 ( National Certificate in Composites),学历等级Level 4, 183学分 国家计算机证书 ( National Certificate in Computing),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 建筑行业国家证书 (主管) ( National Certificate in Construction Trades (Supervisor)),学历等级Level 4, 58学分 马国家证书 (稳定管理) ( National Certificate in Equine (Stable Management)),学历等级Level 4, 168 - 170学分 国家击剑证书 ( National Certificate in Fencing),学历等级Level 4, 122学分 全国美发证书 (专业设计师) ( National Certificate in Hairdressing (Professional Stylist)),学历等级Level 4, 336学分 国家园艺证书 (高级) ( National Certificate in Horticulture (Advanced)),学历等级Level 4, 210学分 国家招待证书 (烹调) ( National Certificate in Hospitality (Cookery)),学历等级Level 4, 96学分 国家接待证书 (业务监督) ( National Certificate in Hospitality (Operations Supervision)),学历等级Level 4, 76 - 115学分 海运销售和服务的国家证书 (船销售和经纪) ( National Certificate in Marine Sales and Services (Boat Sales and Brokerage)),学历等级Level 4, 117学分 海运销售和服务国家证书 (海运零售和分销) ( National Certificate in Marine Sales and Services (Marine Retail and Distribution)),学历等级Level 4, 116学分 肉类加工国家证书 ( National Certificate in Meat Processing),学历等级Level 4, 80学分 肉类加工国家证书 (高级剔骨) ( National Certificate in Meat Processing (Advanced Boning)),学历等级Level 4, 61学分 肉类加工国家证书 (肉类行业标准) ( National Certificate in Meat Processing (Meat Industry Standards)),学历等级Level 4, 51学分 肉类加工国家证书 (渲染) ( National Certificate in Meat Processing (Rendering)),学历等级Level 4, 51学分 全国猪肉生产 (畜牧业) 证书 ( National Certificate in Pork Production (Husbandry)),学历等级Level 4, 48学分 国家猪肉生产证书 (部分管理) ( National Certificate in Pork Production (Section Management)),学历等级Level 4, 95学分 家禽管理国家证书 ( National Certificate in Poultry Management),学历等级Level 4, 65学分 国家房地产证书 (销售人员) ( National Certificate in Real Estate (Salesperson)),学历等级Level 4, 47学分 农村服务 (牲畜) 国家证书 ( National Certificate in Rural Servicing (Livestock)),学历等级Level 4, 90学分 国家科学证书 ( National Certificate in Science),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 全国海产品毛利证书 (习惯捕鱼管理) ( National Certificate in Seafood Māori (Customary Fishing Management)),学历等级Level 4, 90学分 全国海产品毛利 (部落资产管理) 证书 ( National Certificate in Seafood Māori (Iwi Asset Management)),学历等级Level 4, 50学分 全国海产品毛利 (Tangata Kaitiaki/Tiaki) ( National Certificate in Seafood Māori (Tangata Kaitiaki/Tiaki)),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 国家水产品加工证书 (高级加工技能) ( National Certificate in Seafood Processing (Advanced Processing Skills)),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 新西兰航空工程证书 (工作场所入门技能) ( New Zealand Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering (Workplace Introductory Skills)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰造船证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Boat Building),学历等级Level 4, 285 - 325学分 新西兰 Chandlery 证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Chandlery),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰基督教部证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Christian Ministry),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰复合材料证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Composites),学历等级Level 4, 210学分 新西兰计算机证书 (高级用户) ( New Zealand Certificate in Computing (Advanced User)),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰舞蹈证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Dance),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰儿童早期教育和护理证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰电气工程理论与实务证书 (贸易) ( New Zealand Certificate in Electrical Engineering Theory and Practice (Trade)),学历等级Level 4, 250学分 新西兰工程制造证书 (贸易) ( New Zealand Certificate in Engineering Fabrication (Trade)),学历等级Level 4, 255 - 270学分 新西兰英语语言证书 (就业) ( New Zealand Certificate in English Language (Employment)),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰英语语言证书 (一般) ( New Zealand Certificate in English Language (General)),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰马教练证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Equine Coaching),学历等级Level 4, 110学分 新西兰马赛跑证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Equine Racing),学历等级Level 4, 85 - 105学分 新西兰马技能证书 (Sporthorse 新郎) ( New Zealand Certificate in Equine Skills (Sporthorse Groom)),学历等级Level 4, 70学分 新西兰时装证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Fashion),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰 Fellmongery 和皮革加工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Fellmongery and Leather Processing),学历等级Level 4, 65学分 新西兰纤维板包装证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Fibreboard Packaging),学历等级Level 4, 80学分 新西兰火灾探测和警报系统证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Fire Detection and Alarm Systems),学历等级Level 4, 275学分 新西兰消防系统技术证书 (检查) ( New Zealand Certificate in Fire Protection Systems Technology (Inspections)),学历等级Level 4, 240学分 新西兰固定消防系统证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Fixed Fire Protection Systems),学历等级Level 4, 245学分 新西兰林业证书 (原木库存管理) ( New Zealand Certificate in Forestry (Log Stock Management)),学历等级Level 4, 45 - 69学分 新西兰家具证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Furniture),学历等级Level 4, 70 - 207学分 新西兰玻璃容器制造证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Glass Container Manufacturing),学历等级Level 4, 100 - 140学分 新西兰健康和福祉证书 (社会和社区服务) ( New Zealand Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Social and Community Services)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰园艺服务证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture Services),学历等级Level 4, 60 - 185学分 新西兰工业测量与控制证书 (实习) ( New Zealand Certificate in Industrial Measurement and Control (Practice)),学历等级Level 4, 80学分 新西兰工业测量与控制证书 (理论) ( New Zealand Certificate in Industrial Measurement and Control (Theory)),学历等级Level 4, 155学分 新西兰信息技术要点证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Information Technology Essentials),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰灌溉系统管理证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Irrigation System Management),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 新西兰灌溉系统绩效评估证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Irrigation System Performance Assessment),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 新西兰新闻学证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Journalism),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰 锁匠 (贸易) 证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Locksmithing (Trade)),学历等级Level 4, 210学分 新西兰制造业证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Manufacturing),学历等级Level 4, 60 - 80学分 新西兰滨海设施证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Marina Facilities),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰海洋涂料证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Marine Coatings),学历等级Level 4, 180学分 新西兰海洋工程类证书6 ( New Zealand Certificate in Marine Engineering Class 6),学历等级Level 4, 45 - 90学分 新西兰海洋内部证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Marine Interiors),学历等级Level 4, 240学分 新西兰海洋系统证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Marine Systems),学历等级Level 4, 220 - 280学分 新西兰海事船员证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Maritime Crewing),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰海事业务证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Maritime Operations),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰肉类加工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing),学历等级Level 4, 50 - 80学分 新西兰肉类加工证书 (动物产品检验) ( New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing (Animal Product Examination)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰肉类加工证书 (动物产品检验) ( New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing (Animal Product Examination)),学历等级Level 4, 55 - 100学分 新西兰猪肉生产证书 (高级畜牧业) ( New Zealand Certificate in Pork Production (Advanced Husbandry)),学历等级Level 4, 50学分 新西兰猪肉生产证书 (部门经理) ( New Zealand Certificate in Pork Production (Section Manager)),学历等级Level 4, 90学分 新西兰家禽管理证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Poultry Management),学历等级Level 4, 80学分 新西兰初级产品食品加工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Primary Products Food Processing),学历等级Level 4, 40 - 55学分 新西兰印刷证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Print),学历等级Level 4, 240学分 新西兰印刷证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Print),学历等级Level 4, 80学分 新西兰纸浆和造纸生产证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Pulp and Paper Manufacturing),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰铁路运营证书 (火车司机) ( New Zealand Certificate in Rail Operations (Train Driver)),学历等级Level 4, 75 - 90学分 新西兰制冷和空调证书 (贸易) ( New Zealand Certificate in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (Trade)),学历等级Level 4, 280学分 新西兰农村服务证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Rural Servicing),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰锯证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Sawmilling),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰海鲜加工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Seafood Processing),学历等级Level 4, 70学分 新西兰种子敷料证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Seed Dressing),学历等级Level 4, 100学分 新西兰产品证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Signmaking),学历等级Level 4, 220 - 260学分 新西兰产品证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Signmaking),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰 雪上运动 设备证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Snowsport Equipment),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰体育与娱乐证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Sport and Recreation),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰体育教练证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Sport Coaching),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰体育、娱乐和运动证书 (多部门) ( New Zealand Certificate in Sport, Recreation and Exercise (Multi-sector)),学历等级Level 4, 120学分 新西兰琢石艺术证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Stonemasonry),学历等级Level 4, 120 - 220学分 新西兰纺织制造业证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Textile Manufacturing),学历等级Level 4, 60 - 120学分 新西兰木材加工证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Timber Machining),学历等级Level 4, 160学分 新西兰组织转换证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Tissue Converting),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰旅游公约和奖励证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Tourism Conventions and Incentives),学历等级Level 4, 60学分 新西兰贸易烘焙证书 (工艺) ( New Zealand Certificate in Trade Baking (Craft)),学历等级Level 4, 185 - 195学分 新西兰贸易烘焙 (工厂) 证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Trade Baking (Plant)),学历等级Level 4, 200学分 新西兰贸易大屠杀证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Trade Butchery),学历等级Level 4, 180 - 235学分 新西兰开放式职业技术学院教师协助证书 ( Open Polytechnic of New Zealand Certificate in Teacher Aiding),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 出学校的护理和娱乐证书 ( Out of School Care and Recreation Certificate),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 乔治西摩大学会议与活动规划证书 ( Sir George Seymour College Certificate in Conference and Events Planning),学历等级Level 4, 49学分 Te Pou 表述会堂Ātea ( Te Pou Hono ki Marae Ātea),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 Te Pou 表述 Taiao ( Te Pou Hono ki Taiao),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 Te Pou 表述 ( Te Pou Hono ki Toi),学历等级Level 4, 40学分 Te Pou 表述 Wairua ( Te Pou Hono ki Wairua),学历等级Level 4, 40学分