新西兰跳水信托学院(Academy of Diving Trust) Level 3 专业课程列表
新西兰跳水信托学院(Academy of Diving Trust)提供的新西兰移民局/NZQA认可的学历等级Level 3课程一共有61个,一般来说,修满120学分需要1年的时间。180学分的学业一般需要1年半时间,同理,如果课程有240学分则要2年时间学习,360学分需要3年的学习时间。少于等于60的学分的证书课程一般3到6个月时间可以完成。点击这里查看其他Level的新西兰跳水信托学院课程列表
阿什顿华纳在保姆教育方面的证书 ( Ashton Warner Certificate in Nanny Education),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 高级基督教部证书 ( Certificate in Advanced Christian Ministry),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 老年保健证书 ( Certificate in Aged Care),学历等级Level 3, 55学分 应用技术证书 ( Certificate in Applied Technology),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 树木栽培 证书 ( Certificate in Arboriculture),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 基本烹饪证书 ( Certificate in Basic Cookery),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 美容零售证书 ( Certificate in Beauty Retail),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 商业管理和计算证书 ( Certificate in Business Administration and Computing),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 商业计算证书 ( Certificate in Business Computing),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 基督教部证书 ( Certificate in Christian Ministry),学历等级Level 3, 81学分 商业驾驶选择证书 ( Certificate in Commercial Driving Options),学历等级Level 3, 61学分 计算机支持与网络技术证书 ( Certificate in Computer Support and Network Technology),学历等级Level 3, 78学分 计算证书 (雅鲯 Rorohiko) ( Certificate in Computing (Nga Mahi Rorohiko)),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 计算机和办公系统证书 ( Certificate in Computing and Office Systems),学历等级Level 3, 100学分 计算要点证书 ( Certificate in Computing Essentials),学历等级Level 3, 67学分 烹饪证书 ( Certificate in Cookery),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 乳品技术证书 ( Certificate in Dairy Technology),学历等级Level 3, 45学分 基本施工技能证书 ( Certificate in Elementary Construction Skills),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 职业技能英语证书 ( Certificate in Employment Skills English),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 工程技术证书 [专业] ( Certificate in Engineering Technology [Specialty]),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 健康研究基础技能证书 ( Certificate in Foundation Skills for Health Studies),学历等级Level 3, 134学分 基础研究证书 ( Certificate in Foundation Studies),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 园艺和农业证书 (华 Whenua) ( Certificate in Horticulture and Agriculture (Hua Whenua)),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 教学入门证书 ( Certificate in Introduction to Teaching),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 专业餐饮 (烹饪) 证书 ( Certificate in Professional Catering (Cookery)),学历等级Level 3, 79学分 桌面排版和网页设计培训证书 ( IT Training Certificate in Desktop Publishing and Web Design),学历等级Level 3, 42学分 Kaawai Raupapa: 视觉艺术入门证书 ( Kaawai Raupapa: Certificate in Introduction to Visual Arts),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 农业土地培训证书 ( Land Based Training Certificate in Agriculture),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 乳品 LBT 农业证书 ( LBT Certificate in Agriculture with strands in Dairy),学历等级Level 3, 121学分 奶牛和绵羊/牛肉 LBT 农业证书 ( LBT Certificate in Agriculture with strands in Dairy and Sheep/Beef),学历等级Level 3, 201学分 LBT 农业用绵羊和牛肉的证书 ( LBT Certificate in Agriculture with strands in Sheep and Beef),学历等级Level 3, 123学分 国家养蜂证书 ( National Certificate in Apiculture),学历等级Level 3, 71学分 服装制造国家证书 (设计和制) ( National Certificate in Clothing Manufacture (Design and Patternmaking)),学历等级Level 3, 51学分 国家潜水证书 (基础技能) ( National Certificate in Diving (Foundation Skills)),学历等级Level 3, 42学分 电气工程国家证书 ( National Certificate in Electrical Engineering),学历等级Level 3, 149学分 国家货物服务证书 (重型车辆驾驶员) ( National Certificate in Goods Service (Heavy Vehicle Driver)),学历等级Level 3, 56学分 国家美发证书 (沙龙支持) ( National Certificate in Hairdressing (Salon Support)),学历等级Level 3, 75学分 国家海事证书 (商业近海船舶业务) ( National Certificate in Maritime (Commercial Inshore Vessel Operations)),学历等级Level 3, 91学分 职业健康和安全国家证书 (工作场所安全) ( National Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety (Workplace Safety)),学历等级Level 3, 50学分 公路原木运输国家证书 ( National Certificate in Transportation of Logs by Road),学历等级Level 3, 84学分 国家焊接证书 ( National Certificate in Welding),学历等级Level 3, 69学分 新西兰起重机操作证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Crane Operation),学历等级Level 3, 50 - 65学分 新西兰儿童早期教育和护理证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰急救服务证书 (第一响应方) ( New Zealand Certificate in Emergency Care (First Responder)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 新西兰零售业证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Retail),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰留学和职业准备证书 ( New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 新西兰水处理证书 (饮用水/废水) ( New Zealand Certificate in Water Treatment (Drinking-Water/Wastewater)),学历等级Level 3, 45学分 新西兰水处理证书 (小规模系统) ( New Zealand Certificate in Water Treatment (Small Scale Systems)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 Te Hanga 哪里 ( Te Hanga Whare),学历等级Level 3, 85学分 te Pōkaitahi Tikanga (歌, Rongoā, te Nunumi, Mātauranga 毛利, 毛利发展, Rangahau) ( Te Pōkaitahi Tikanga (Waka, Rongoā, Te Ara Nunumi, Mātauranga Māori, Māori Development, Rangahau)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 德尔福骆驼知识证书 (L3) ( Telford Certificate in Camelid Knowledge (L3)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 德福证书在马知识 ( Telford Certificate in Equine Knowledge),学历等级Level 3, 66学分 德福证书在马研究 ( Telford Certificate in Equine Studies),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 德福农场证书 (乳品) ( Telford Certificate in Farming (Dairy)),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 德福耕作证书 (实践) ( Telford Certificate in Farming (Practices)),学历等级Level 3, 60学分 林业德福证书 ( Telford Certificate in Forestry),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 德福园设计证书 ( Telford Certificate in Garden Design),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 实用农业证书 ( Telford Certificate in Practical Agriculture),学历等级Level 3, 120学分 福牛羊挤奶证书 (动物知识) (L3) ( Telford Certificate in Sheep Milking (Animal Knowledge) (L3)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 德福羊挤奶证书 (行业知识) (L3) ( Telford Certificate in Sheep Milking (Industry Knowledge) (L3)),学历等级Level 3, 40学分 德福股票和加油站助理证书 ( Telford Stock and Station Assistant's Certificate),学历等级Level 3, 120 - 124学分