
Domestic students

  • 新西兰公民 a New Zealand citizen, or 
  • 新西兰永久居民 a New Zealand permanent resident, or
  • 新西兰居民签证 a New Zealand resident visa holder, or 
  • 澳大利亚永久居民 Australian permanent resident, or
  • 澳大利亚公民 An Australian citizen residing in New Zealand
International students
  • a New Zealand citizen, or
  • a New Zealand permanent resident, or
  • a New Zealand resident visa holder, or
  • Australian permanent resident, or
  • An Australian citizen residing in New Zealand


You will be considered a domestic student if you are:

If you are a new international PhD student, you will usually be accorded domestic status for the purposes of tuition fees. 



有PR, 3年后才能申请学生贷款跟补贴,但学费是马上能按本地生费用交,起码国立大学是这样