此ANZSCO职业类别2534 精神病医生 Psychiatrists属于新西兰技能型工作。满足纽西兰技术移民要求。ANZSCO职业代码是2534。 内科医生nec(P) Specialist Physicians nec (P), 临床过敏症医师(N) Clinical Allergist (N), 临床遗传学家(N) Clinical Geneticist (N), 临床免疫学(N) Clinical Immunologist (N), 临床药理学家(N) Clinical Pharmacologist (N), 老年病学家(N) Geriatrician (N), 传染病医师(N) Infectious Diseases Physician (N), 肌肉骨骼医生(新西兰)(N) Musculoskeletal Physician (NZ) (N), 职业医学医师(N) Occupational Medicine Physician (N), 姑息内科医师(N) Palliative Medicine Physician (N), 公共卫生医师(N) Public Health Physician (N), 康复医学医师(N) Rehabilitation Medicine Physician (N), 性健康医师(N) Sexual Health Physician (N), 睡眠内科医师(N) Sleep Medicine Physician (N),

精神病医生职业分类的工作描述(Job Description)如下: 精神病医生诊断、评估、治疗和预防人类的精神、情感和行为障碍。精神科注册医师作为精神科医师的培训也包括在这个单元组中。 PSYCHIATRISTS diagnose, assess, treat and prevent human mental, emotional and behavioural disorders. Psychiatric Registrars training as Psychiatrists are included in this unit group.


Indicative Skill Level:
在澳大利亚和新西兰: In Australia and New Zealand:

    Occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification, two years hospital-based training, and at least five years specialist study and training (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
需要注册或许可。 Registration or licensing is required.


Tasks Include:

  • 评估患者的精神和身体状况,以确定精神、情感和行为障碍的性质和程度
  • assessing patients' mental and physical status to determine the nature and extent of mental, emotional and behavioural disorders
  • 评估患者的医疗、精神和心理病史
  • assessing patients' medical, psychiatric and psychological histories
  • 检查患者以确定一般身体状况
  • examining patients to determine general physical condition
  • 订购实验室测试、成像、神经心理学测试和其他诊断程序
  • ordering laboratory tests, imaging, neuropsychological tests and other diagnostic procedures
  • 检查测试和检查结果以确定最合适的治疗形式
  • examining the results of tests and examinations to determine the most appropriate forms of treatment
  • 处方和管理药物、心理治疗和其他物理治疗和康复计划
  • prescribing and administering medication, psychotherapy, and other physical treatments and rehabilitation programs
  • 安排住院和提供住院治疗
  • arranging admission to hospitals and providing in-patient treatment
  • 咨询、监督和与其他医生和卫生专业人员合作
  • consulting, supervising and working with other Medical Practitioners and Health Professionals
  • 根据相关精神卫生行为确定患者是否需要非自愿治疗
  • determining whether patients require involuntary treatment in accordance with relevant mental health acts
  • 协助法院和其他法定机构在法律和法医环境中管理患者
  • assisting courts and other statutory bodies in managing patients in legal and forensic settings
  • 教授医学生和注册者,并通过实施测试来评估他们的进步
  • teaching medical students and registrars, and assessing their progress by administering tests

    精神病医生 Psychiatrists(ANZSCO职业代码是2534)属于 精神病医生 Psychiatrists 职业分类。

    精神病医生 Psychiatrists(ANZSCO职业代码是2534)分类包括下面的职业: