此ANZSCO职业类别2527 听力学家和言语病理学家/治疗师 Audiologists and Speech Pathologists \ Therapists属于新西兰技能型工作。满足纽西兰技术移民要求。ANZSCO职业代码是2527。 足病医师(P) Podiatrist (P), 足外科医生 Podiatric Surgeon (S),

听力学家和言语病理学家/治疗师职业分类的工作描述(Job Description)如下: 听力学家和言语病理学家/治疗师提供人类听力缺陷、沟通和吞咽障碍的诊断评估、治疗、康复服务和管理。 AUDIOLOGISTS AND SPEECH PATHOLOGISTS/THERAPISTS provide diagnostic assessment, treatment, rehabilitative services and management of human hearing defects, and communication and swallowing impairments.


Indicative Skill Level:
在澳大利亚和新西兰: In Australia and New Zealand:

    Occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
任务包括: Tasks Include:
  • 使用各种技术评估和诊断客户听力损失的程度,包括听力测试
    • assessing and diagnosing the extent of client hearing loss using a wide range of techniques, including audiometric tests
    • 以书面形式报告评估和测试结果,并转介给医生
    • reporting results of assessments and tests in writing and making referrals to medical practitioners
    • 为听力障碍患者推荐解决方案,包括扩音器、植入式设备、医疗干预和辅助听力设备,并提供听力康复计划
    • recommending solutions to those with hearing impairment including amplification, implantable devices, medical interventions and assistive listening devices and providing aural rehabilitation programs
    • 作为整体治疗的一部分,为客户和家庭提供咨询、建议和信息
    • providing counselling, advice and information to clients and families as a part of overall treatment
    • 协助制定和管理噪音控制和听力保护策略
    • assisting with the development and management of noise control and hearing conservation strategies
    • 进行标准化和非正式测试,观察客户,以确定其沟通障碍或吞咽困难的性质和程度
    • administering standardised and informal tests and observing clients to determine the nature and extent of their communication disorders or swallowing difficulties
    • 提供治疗和管理可能是发育性、部分残疾或因受伤或疾病而获得的言语、语言、学习和沟通障碍
    • providing treatment and management of speech, language, learning and communication disorders that may be developmental, part of a disability, or acquired as a result of injury or disease
    • 就身体的位置、食物和液体的质地提供建议,帮助个人在不窒息的情况下安全进食和吞咽
    • advising on the positioning of the body and on the textures of food and fluids which assists an individual to eat and swallow safely without choking
    • 向卫生专业人员、幼儿教育工作者和教师提供信息和教育,向受沟通和吞咽困难影响的个人及其家庭和护理人员提供支持和咨询。
  • providing information and education to health professionals, early childhood educators and teachers, and support and counselling to individuals affected by communication and swallowing difficulties, and to their families and carers.

听力学家和言语病理学家/治疗师 Audiologists and Speech Pathologists \ Therapists(ANZSCO职业代码是2527)属于 听力学家和言语病理学家/治疗师 Audiologists and Speech Pathologists \ Therapists 职业分类。

听力学家和言语病理学家/治疗师 Audiologists and Speech Pathologists \ Therapists(ANZSCO职业代码是2527)分类包括下面的职业: