此ANZSCO职业类别2525 物理治疗师 Physiotherapists属于新西兰技能型工作。满足纽西兰技术移民要求。ANZSCO职业代码是2525。

物理治疗师职业分类的工作描述(Job Description)如下: 物理治疗师评估、治疗和预防由损伤或疾病引起的人体运动障碍。 PHYSIOTHERAPISTS assess, treat and prevent disorders in human movement caused by injury or disease.


Indicative Skill Level:
在澳大利亚和新西兰: In Australia and New Zealand:

    Occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
需要注册或许可。 Registration or licensing is required.


Tasks Include:

  • 进行肌肉、神经、关节和功能能力测试,以确定和评估患者的身体问题
  • administering muscle, nerve, joint and functional ability tests to identify and assess physical problems of patients
  • 设计治疗方案以解决患者的问题
  • designing treatment programs to address patients' problems
  • 治疗患者以减轻疼痛、改善循环、增强肌肉、改善心胸、心血管和呼吸功能、恢复关节活动性、改善平衡和协调
  • treating patients to reduce pain, improve circulation, strengthen muscles, improve cardiothoracic, cardiovascular and respiratory functions, restore joint mobility, and improve balance and coordination
  • 利用运动、热、冷、按摩、手法、水疗、电疗、紫外线和红外线以及超声波等治疗特性治疗患者
  • using the therapeutic properties of exercise, heat, cold, massage, manipulation, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, ultraviolet and infra-red light and ultrasound in the treatment of patients
  • 审查、持续监测、评估和评估计划和治疗
  • reviewing, continually monitoring, assessing and evaluating programs and treatments
  • 根据需要就患者的问题、需要和进展咨询其他卫生专业人员
  • consulting with other Health Professionals as required about patients' problems, needs and progress
  • 指导患者及其家属在家继续进行手术
  • instructing patients and their families in procedures to be continued at home
  • 记录给予的治疗、患者的反应和进展
  • recording treatments given and patients' responses and progress
  • 制定和实施筛查和预防性健康促进计划
  • developing and implementing screening and preventative health promotion programs

    物理治疗师 Physiotherapists(ANZSCO职业代码是2525)属于 物理治疗师 Physiotherapists 职业分类。

    物理治疗师 Physiotherapists(ANZSCO职业代码是2525)分类包括下面的职业: