此ANZSCO职业类别2513 职业和环境卫生专业人员 Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals属于新西兰技能型工作。满足纽西兰技术移民要求。ANZSCO职业代码是2513。

职业和环境卫生专业人员职业分类的工作描述(Job Description)如下: 职业和环境卫生专业人员制定、实施和评估监测环境卫生和职业健康安全的政策和方案以及相关立法,以确保安全健康的工作条件,并通过工人补偿和康复过程协助受伤员工。 OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS develop, implement and evaluate policies and programs to monitor environmental health and occupational health and safety and related legislation to ensure safe and healthy working conditions, and assist injured staff through the workers' compensation and rehabilitation process.


Indicative Skill Level:
在澳大利亚和新西兰: In Australia and New Zealand:

    Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
可能需要注册或许可。 Registration or licensing may be required.


Tasks Include:

  • 制定、实施和评审环境健康管理计划和职业健康安全计划
  • developing, implementing and reviewing environmental health management plans and occupational health and safety plans
  • 制定和实施安全、经济和适当处置商业、工业、医疗和家庭废物的计划和战略
  • preparing and implementing plans and strategies for the safe, economic and suitable disposal of commercial, industrial, medical and household wastes
  • 建议和执行立法,实施传染病、食品安全、废水处理和处置系统、娱乐和生活用水质量、受污染和有害物质的预防计划和战略,并尽量减少空气、海洋、水和噪音污染,以改善健康状况
  • advising on and enforcing legislation, implementing prevention programs and strategies for communicable diseases, food safety, waste water treatment and disposal systems, recreation and domestic water quality, contaminated and hazardous substances, and minimising air, sea, water and noise pollution to improve health outcomes
  • 识别危险,评估和控制工作场所的风险
  • identifying hazards, and assessing and controlling risks in the workplace
  • 制定、实施和监控计划,最大限度地减少工作场所和环境污染,包括化学和物理危害
  • developing, implementing and monitoring programs minimising workplace and environmental pollution involving chemical and physical hazards
  • 在工作场所推广人体工程学原则,如将家具、设备和工作活动与员工的需求相匹配
  • promoting ergonomic principles within the workplace such as matching furniture, equipment and work activities to the needs of employees
  • 检查和审计工作场所、过程、工厂以及化学和物理危害,以确保符合法律规定
  • inspecting and auditing workplaces, processes, plant, and chemical and physical hazards for legislative compliance
  • 培训员工个人防护装备和安全工作程序
  • training employees in personal protective equipment and safe working procedures
  • 记录和调查伤害和设备损坏,并报告安全性能
  • recording and investigating injuries and equipment damage, and reporting safety performance
  • 协调受伤工人返回工作场所
  • coordinating the return of injured workers into the workplace

    职业和环境卫生专业人员 Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals(ANZSCO职业代码是2513)属于 职业和环境卫生专业人员 Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals 职业分类。

    职业和环境卫生专业人员 Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals(ANZSCO职业代码是2513)分类包括下面的职业: