此ANZSCO职业类别2322 测量员和空间科学家 Surveyors and Spatial Scientists属于新西兰技能型工作。满足纽西兰技术移民要求。ANZSCO职业代码是2322。 景观设计师(P) Landscape Architect (P),

测量员和空间科学家职业分类的工作描述(Job Description)如下: 测量员和空间科学家计划、指导和开展测量工作,以确定和划定陆地、海洋地面和地下工程的边界和特征,编制和修订地图、图表和其他地理产品,分析、呈现和维护有关空间和时间位置的地理信息。 SURVEYORS AND SPATIAL SCIENTISTS plan, direct and conduct survey work to determine and delineate boundaries and features of tracts of land, marine floors and underground works, prepare and revise maps, charts and other geographic products, and analyse, present and maintain geographical information about locations in space and time.


Indicative Skill Level:
在澳大利亚和新西兰: In Australia and New Zealand:

    Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
可能需要注册或许可。 Registration or licensing may be required.


Tasks Include:

  • 确定包括海底在内的地球表面感兴趣点的位置,并以数字形式准备最终产品数据
  • determining the position of points of interest on the earth's surface including marine floors, and preparing the final product data in digital form
  • 监督平面图、地图、图表和图纸的编制,以提供图形表示和管理空间信息系统
  • supervising the preparation of plans, maps, charts and drawings to give pictorial representations and managing spatial information systems
  • 从事测量和摄影测量系统、地籍系统和土地信息系统的研发
  • undertaking research and development of surveying and photogrammetric measurement systems, cadastral systems and land information systems
  • 规划和设计土地细分项目,并与地方政府和其他当局协商细节
  • planning and designing land subdivision projects and negotiating details with local governments and other authorities
  • 就测绘和空间信息系统的技术要求向建筑师、工程专业人员、环境和其他科学家或其他相关专业人员提供建议
  • advising Architects, Engineering Professionals, environmental and other scientists or other relevant professionals on the technical requirements of surveying, mapping and spatial information systems
  • 编制和评估数据,解释实践规程,编写有关测量、土地利用和土地使用权的报告
  • compiling and evaluating data, interpreting codes of practice, and writing reports concerning survey measurement, land use and tenure
  • 准备土地转让和土地所有权事宜所需的现场平面图和调查报告
  • preparing site plans and survey reports required for conveyancing and land ownership matters < LyType =“光盘”>使用一系列数字和图形源材料评估、编译和维护空间信息,包括航空照片、卫星图像、调查文档、现有地图和记录、历史数据、报告和统计数据。
  • evaluating, compiling and maintaining spatial information using a range of digital and graphical source materials, including aerial photographs, satellite imagery, survey documents, existing maps and records, historical data, reports and statistics
  • 使用地理信息和相关系统分析和解释数据,以设计地图、图表、平面图、图纸和三维模型
  • analysing and interpreting data to design maps, graphs, plans, drawings and three-dimensional models using geographic information and related systems
  • 开发和试用用于地理信息系统的新应用程序
  • developing and trialling new applications for use in geographic information systems
  • 监督和协调测绘或空间科学技术人员在地理产品生产和复制中的工作
  • supervising and coordinating the work of Surveying or Spatial Science Technicians in the production and reproduction of geographic products

    测量员和空间科学家 Surveyors and Spatial Scientists(ANZSCO职业代码是2322)属于 测量员和空间科学家 Surveyors and Spatial Scientists 职业分类。

    测量员和空间科学家 Surveyors and Spatial Scientists(ANZSCO职业代码是2322)分类包括下面的职业: