此ANZSCO职业类别2124 记者和其他作家 Journalists and Other Writers属于新西兰技能型工作。满足纽西兰技术移民要求。ANZSCO职业代码是2124。 电影、电视、广播和舞台导演nec(P) Film, Television, Radio and Stage Directors nec (P), 音频控制器(N) Audio Director (N), 演员导演(N) Casting Director (N), 照明控制器(N) Lighting Director (N), 位置经理(电影或电视)(N) Location Manager (Film or Television) (N),

记者和其他作家职业分类的工作描述(Job Description)如下: 新闻工作者和其他作家研究和汇编新闻故事,编写和编辑新闻报道、评论和专题报道,以便在印刷和电子媒体上发表,并撰写书面材料,宣传商品和服务。 JOURNALISTS AND OTHER WRITERS research and compile news stories, write and edit news reports, commentaries and feature stories for presentation in print and electronic media, and compose written material to advertise goods and services.


Indicative Skill Level:
在澳大利亚和新西兰: In Australia and New Zealand:

    Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. At least five years of relevant experience may substitute for the formal qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
任务包括: Tasks Include:
  • 通过咨询客户和管理层来确定广告方法,并研究产品以确立主要的销售特点
  • determining advertising approach by consulting clients and management, and studying products to establish principal selling features
  • 为报刊、广播、电视、电影院屏幕、广告牌、商品目录和商店陈列品撰写广告
  • writing advertisements for press, radio, television, cinema screens, billboards, catalogues and shop displays
  • 与其他高级编辑一起,根据编辑政策和指导方针,就出版物的具体内容作出决定
  • making decisions about the specific content of publications in conjunction with other senior editors and in accordance with editorial policies and guidelines
  • 审阅副本以供出版,以确保符合公认的语法、风格和格式规则、故事的连贯性以及内容的准确性、合法性和正直性
  • reviewing copy for publication to ensure conformity with accepted rules of grammar, style and format, coherence of story, and accuracy, legality and probity of content
  • 从采访、印刷品、调查和观察中收集和分析有关有新闻价值事件的事实
  • collecting and analysing facts about newsworthy events from interviews, printed matter, investigations and observations
  • 为报纸、杂志、期刊、电视和广播撰写新闻报道、评论、文章和专题报道
  • writing news reports, commentaries, articles and feature stories for newspapers, magazines, journals, television and radio on topics of public interest
  • 为手册、教科书、手册和多媒体产品研究和编写技术、信息材料和文档
  • researching and writing technical, information-based material and documentation for manuals, text books, handbooks and multimedia products
  • 在报纸的编辑栏中批判性地讨论每日新闻主题,并评论书籍、电影和戏剧
  • critically discussing daily news topics in the editorial columns of newspapers and reviewing books, films and plays

    记者和其他作家 Journalists and Other Writers(ANZSCO职业代码是2124)属于 记者和其他作家 Journalists and Other Writers 职业分类。

    记者和其他作家 Journalists and Other Writers(ANZSCO职业代码是2124)分类包括下面的职业: